Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Healing Essential Oils
Essential Oils are actually essential to natural healing and health! Check out this infographic on this link here to find all the benefits and uses for essential oils. I use a couple drops of lavender or pepper in an Epsom salt & baking soda bath to soothe my muscles and calm my mind. Start this relaxing habit and I'll guarantee that you will have more joy-filled days!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Gratefulgivings for Happiness and Positivity
It's Thanksgiving tomorrow, and we all so much to be thankful for. A popular exercise on social media has been to list at least 5 things that we are grateful for everyday, for a set amount of time.
Instead of a one time exercise, let's make this an everyday occurrence. Replace moaning and complaining, criticizing and judging, negativity and anxiety, with gratefulness and thankfulness, joyfulness and acceptance, positivity and energy.
What can you add to your list of gratefulgivings? Start a shift in your attitude and thinking with this mindset, guided by this link here, and you will find yourself with more joy-filled days!
Instead of a one time exercise, let's make this an everyday occurrence. Replace moaning and complaining, criticizing and judging, negativity and anxiety, with gratefulness and thankfulness, joyfulness and acceptance, positivity and energy.
What can you add to your list of gratefulgivings? Start a shift in your attitude and thinking with this mindset, guided by this link here, and you will find yourself with more joy-filled days!
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Love Where You're At
Sometimes things don't happen like you planned it or wished for, but then you come to the acceptance that where you are at and what's happening is where you're supposed to be. So after almost 3 months on the market, we decided to take our house off the market...maybe we'll relist it in the spring, or maybe just stay.
While looking for homes in our target locations, there were a couple that fit the bill, but with our home not selling, I began thinking of the reality of the situation. As much as I wanted to downsize and live closer to the downtown/midtown area, there are certain luxuries that I enjoy. Features such as a walk-in closet, a spa-like master bathroom (I really do use that big tub!), a living area for our baby grand, and a garage to actually put our cars in (because it really can get cold up here in NorCal!). The charm of a smaller, older home would mean compromises in these areas, so maybe I really wasn't ready to let them go yet.
As I was pondering these things, I read this article here entitled, "10 Reasons You Don't Have the Home You Want". The first reason, "You're Disorganized", screamed out at me, because even though I had started the process, I am honestly a long way from a well-organized home. I considered that perhaps, I needed to take care of that first. Maybe this was fate's way of telling me to slow down, to appreciate what I had, that I needed to give my home some TLC, and this was not the right time to leave.
So with a renewed sense of purpose, I am embracing my lovely home, aka Chateau L'Acob, and making it the home we want at this time in our joy-filled lives!
While looking for homes in our target locations, there were a couple that fit the bill, but with our home not selling, I began thinking of the reality of the situation. As much as I wanted to downsize and live closer to the downtown/midtown area, there are certain luxuries that I enjoy. Features such as a walk-in closet, a spa-like master bathroom (I really do use that big tub!), a living area for our baby grand, and a garage to actually put our cars in (because it really can get cold up here in NorCal!). The charm of a smaller, older home would mean compromises in these areas, so maybe I really wasn't ready to let them go yet.
As I was pondering these things, I read this article here entitled, "10 Reasons You Don't Have the Home You Want". The first reason, "You're Disorganized", screamed out at me, because even though I had started the process, I am honestly a long way from a well-organized home. I considered that perhaps, I needed to take care of that first. Maybe this was fate's way of telling me to slow down, to appreciate what I had, that I needed to give my home some TLC, and this was not the right time to leave.
So with a renewed sense of purpose, I am embracing my lovely home, aka Chateau L'Acob, and making it the home we want at this time in our joy-filled lives!
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Kombucha...What's That?
Like most healthy things, my kids introduced me to Kombucha, which is a naturally carbonated, fermented blackened tea that has had many beneficial health claims. Among these claims includes improved digestive function, increased energy, boosted immune function, and weight loss and management.
Read these articles on Kombucha's benefits here and here, and if you're adventurous, here's a how-to recipe here! Speak to your doctor first, but it probably is a healthy replacement for a soda habit, giving you a joy-filled substitute!
Read these articles on Kombucha's benefits here and here, and if you're adventurous, here's a how-to recipe here! Speak to your doctor first, but it probably is a healthy replacement for a soda habit, giving you a joy-filled substitute!
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Craving: Apple Fritter Doughnuts
The photo of the apple fritter I posted this morning on the Facebook page spurred a lot of likes and comments. I hadn't had an apple fritter in forever, when my dentist office offered me donuts at my last appointment. I refused the donuts, until they showed me the box where there it was...a beautiful, glazed apple fritter! Of course I succumbed, and have been craving one ever since! So I decided to find a recipe, and found one on this link here. I may try to make it from scratch, but then again, I may just find that donut shop my dentist went to!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
The Importance of Flexibility
Those of you that follow my blog know that one of my favorite ways of stretching is with yoga, especially Yin Yoga. If you are one who does not practice yoga or if you're short on time, this link here gives you a fast 10-minute daily stretch routine.
Next to cardiovascular exercise and strength training, stretching is the forgotten third pillar of fitness. It has been proven to prevent injury, improve athletic performance, prevent aging conditions, such as arthritis, improve circulation and blood flow to muscles, even lower the risk of cardiovascular disease! So get stretching and bring more space and joy into your life!
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Procrastination & Organization
I love being organized, but I'm such a procrastinator! Ever since we put our house on the market and staged our home, my plan was to continue with this house purge. Well, I'm still needing to go through the closets, kitchen, and garage! If we get an offer soon, I'm going to have to kick it up into high gear. So in order to best use my time as well as let go of items, I found this article on how to minimize (aka how to get rid of stuff!). This home organization article here is also going to help me get and stay organized when we move into our new home. Wish us luck with our house sale so we can start our downsized, minimalistic joy-filled life!
Monday, October 13, 2014
Yoga: From Hate to Love
A synopsis of my relationship with yoga throughout the years:
- I first tried yoga 10 years ago.
- A friend of mine invited me to a class.
- I went and was confused.
- So I decided I didn't like it.
- But I bought a yoga mat anyway.
- I honestly don't remember if I ever went back.
- Yoga came up again 5 years ago.
- A co-worker raved about it.
- She invited me to go.
- I said I had tried it and "hated it".
- My daughter went instead and loved it.
- This year, I thought I'd give yoga a try again.
- I attended a free class at our new gym.
- Can you believe that I loved it?!
- Maybe it was the smaller class.
- Maybe it was because the teacher took it slow.
- Maybe it was because I have less ADHD.
- My daughter brought me to her Vinyasa yoga studio a couple weeks ago.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Finding What Gives you Joy in 2 Simple Steps
Our electronic world has allowed us to be connected wherever we are, yet has disconnected us from where we are now! We are virtually present, but not actually present. We are interacting, but not with those around us. I admit I'm just as guilty as the next person. It's difficult to 'just be' in this cyber universe of ours. We feel like we're going to miss something if we don't check our phone when it dings. What we really miss out on, when we're busy trying to keep up with the techno world, is the real world! The solution to this hyper connectivity is meditation and mindfulness. A major benefit to following these practices is improvement of the mind & body, thus opening one up to what is really important in one's life.
Step One: Meditation
Meditation helps you learn mindfulness by increasing awareness and clarity. Try this meditation at least once a day, for as long as you can. Meditating when you awaken is a perfect way to start the day, and sets a positive tone to your mood.
Meditation helps you learn mindfulness by increasing awareness and clarity.
- Get comfortable: Find a quiet, comfortable area where you can relax. Either sit straight up in a chair, with your feet on the ground and your hands on your lap, palms facing up, or lay flat on your back, with your legs outstretched and your arms to your sides, palms up.
- Just Relax & Breathe: Close your eyes, relaxing your mind and body. Take a deep breath, in and out of your nose, inhaling for a count of 4, holding for a count of 7, and exhaling for a count of 8.
- Imagine Positivity: As you get into the rhythm of your breath, imagine a white light entering your body from the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands. As you inhale, bring that white light up through every cell of your body to the top of your head. As you are washed with positive, cleansing energy, enjoy this feeling as you hold it in.
- Release Negativity: Once your body is cleansed with the positive light, gather the negativity trapped in your body, and release it with your exhale, down from the top of your head and out through your palms and soles.
- Be Still & Clear: Repeat the last couple of bullets for up to 15 minutes, clearing your mind and body of toxic thoughts and feelings. If you want, repeat this mantra---I am Safe. I am Secure. I am Loved. God is with me.
Step Two: Mindfulness
Mindfulness means coming back to the present moment and stilling the mind and body. Whenever you find yourself disengaged from reality, put away any distractions that are distancing you from the moment, whether it's your mind racing or wandering, or an electronic device.
- Stop and step out of the thinking process.
- Just breathe and calm your mind and body.
- Intentionally decide where you're going to focus your attention on.
- Focus on & experience where you are at, who you are with, what you are doing, and why.
- Just be present!
This can be quite difficult at first, but stick with the practice of meditation and mindfulness. It will pay off once you get the hang of it, eventually becoming second nature. You will find that meditating improves your mood, your stress level, and ultimately your health. The power of being mindful of your everyday actions, as you're living it at the moment, benefits both you and those around you, bringing more joy in your life!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Easy Fall Recipe: Roasted Cauliflower!
I am all about Fall! I believe that roasted vegetables are the best, especially since they are so easy to make and are so healthy for you! Make this simple recipe here anytime you want something easy, but good for you, and you'll have joy in your tummy!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Marriage Is Not Always Happily Ever After...
I know that I posted a version of this back in July, but I believe that it's worth repeating, because sometimes it takes more than just once in order to get through to some of us!
Truth #4: Marriage isn't sappy, it's sensible. I found this quote a few years ago, and thought it perfectly summarized what I believe is the key to a successful marriage. "Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Wind, Sand and Stars.
Truth #5: Marriage is about reveling in the good and dealing with the bad. Whether you are married or in a serious relationship, remember the vows you made to each other. Realize the meaning and responsibility you took on when you promised these words to your partner. I have no doubt more people can have satisfaction in their marriages and relationships if they enjoy and appreciate the better, but also are steadfast and work through the worse.
Consider these truths when you are going through a rough patch in your marriage and relationship. Believe me, it's not easy to work through these trials, but if you weather the storm, it is well worth it in the end. When you can sit with your mate and know that you are looking out into the same direction, the satisfaction and contentment that fills you will give you joy in your life and marriage!
Truth #1: Marriage is tough. It's not perfect, and it's not always happy. It has many challenges and can test a person in many ways. You will realize your love must be based on more than passion, because day-to-day marriage is not a romantic comedy; it's more like a dramedy! Come to think of it, marriage is like being on "Naked & Afraid" ...Two people who don't know each other, who are placed in unknown territory, stripped down and vulnerable, with nothing but their own survival skills, and the willingness to work with the other person in order to survive.
Truth #2: Marriage takes commitment and perseverance. For better or for worse, for richer, for stick with it! Do this, and you will find that the joy in your relationship stems from the vows you took on your wedding day, not from the feelings you felt on your wedding day. Marriage takes constant work and the will to do it everyday.
Truth #2: Marriage takes commitment and perseverance. For better or for worse, for richer, for stick with it! Do this, and you will find that the joy in your relationship stems from the vows you took on your wedding day, not from the feelings you felt on your wedding day. Marriage takes constant work and the will to do it everyday.
Truth #3: Marriage means being genuine and confident . You must have optimism in your future and life together. You have to accept who your spouse is, and be comfortable in what your relationship is...all without compromising who you are and what you believe in as an individual.
Truth #4: Marriage isn't sappy, it's sensible. I found this quote a few years ago, and thought it perfectly summarized what I believe is the key to a successful marriage. "Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Wind, Sand and Stars.
Truth #5: Marriage is about reveling in the good and dealing with the bad. Whether you are married or in a serious relationship, remember the vows you made to each other. Realize the meaning and responsibility you took on when you promised these words to your partner. I have no doubt more people can have satisfaction in their marriages and relationships if they enjoy and appreciate the better, but also are steadfast and work through the worse.
Consider these truths when you are going through a rough patch in your marriage and relationship. Believe me, it's not easy to work through these trials, but if you weather the storm, it is well worth it in the end. When you can sit with your mate and know that you are looking out into the same direction, the satisfaction and contentment that fills you will give you joy in your life and marriage!
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Letting Go, Part 2
So letting go of the house actually started with the impending letting go of our youngest daughter. We are moving her into the dorm today...we're both excited for her, yet sad to think that she won't be living with us full time anymore. Our baby is all grown up and ready to take on the world. She wants to study abroad or be a missionary for a year, so she'll take the 5 year route, which is fine with us.
Looking at these photos, the first one at her 7th birthday, and the second one at her 17th birthday last year, there are so many memories of our little girl who just turned 18 this summer. Cherish the times you have with your children and loved ones because these are the moments that give you joy in your life!
Looking at these photos, the first one at her 7th birthday, and the second one at her 17th birthday last year, there are so many memories of our little girl who just turned 18 this summer. Cherish the times you have with your children and loved ones because these are the moments that give you joy in your life!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Letting Go, Part 1
We have family and friends who have stayed in our home throughout the years we have lived in Fair Oaks. My besties and their husbands came for a visit last fall. Since Olga Lane was used as a bed & breakfast for our yearly couples retreat, we nicknamed our house Chateau L'Acob.
It is both exciting and sad to be selling Chateau L'Acob....our home for over eight years. It's hard to let go of a home you love that is filled with so many memories. Nonetheless, we are letting go into the next phase of our lives as empty nesters since our youngest starts college next week.
Olga Lane aka Chateau L'Acob will always hold a special place in our hearts. It welcomed us to NorCal, keeping us safe and secure. It is the home that hosted the celebration of all three kids high school graduation parties. It is where we brought Kona home to live; the home he so fiercely protects.
This link here shows photos of our beloved home, taken for the listing of Olga Lane. This is the home where our family lived through the kids teenage years, the only home Kona knows, the home that has given us so many joy-filled memories!
Friday, September 5, 2014
Simplify...that's what I want to do now. In fact, I've gone as far as convincing the hubby to sell our house so we can downsize from our 3500 square foot home into one no larger than 1800 square feet. I mean, how much space do my husband, dog and I need now after our youngest has graduated from high school?
Our realtor is coming today with the photographer, so I've been purging the house in order to stage it for showings and an open house on Sunday! I have been wanting to get rid of all our unnecessary stuff and junk for awhile, so putting the house on the market is just the push I needed! It's crazy how such a daunting task becomes doable when there's an incentive.
I found an article in Sunset Magazine here about a family of four who down-sided from a 3000 square foot home into a 1400 square foot home. Not only did they choose to live in a smaller home with two grade school boys, they adopted the goal of a Zero-waste home. Wow! I was intrigued enough to purchase their book on how to live with minimal waste and stuff because seriously, we have accumulated so much sh** in our over 25 years together.
Now that I have taken all the unnecessary home furnishings and furniture out of the house, my next task is to go through the closets and finally the garage to organize all the clutter in order to sell, donate, or keep. I will keep you all updated on my progress, and am going to try to heed the Zero-waste home philosophy found here.
What do you hang onto that clutters up your life? As much as I've loved our home, it's time to move on and let go into the next phase in order to continue to find joy in life!
Our realtor is coming today with the photographer, so I've been purging the house in order to stage it for showings and an open house on Sunday! I have been wanting to get rid of all our unnecessary stuff and junk for awhile, so putting the house on the market is just the push I needed! It's crazy how such a daunting task becomes doable when there's an incentive.
I found an article in Sunset Magazine here about a family of four who down-sided from a 3000 square foot home into a 1400 square foot home. Not only did they choose to live in a smaller home with two grade school boys, they adopted the goal of a Zero-waste home. Wow! I was intrigued enough to purchase their book on how to live with minimal waste and stuff because seriously, we have accumulated so much sh** in our over 25 years together.
Now that I have taken all the unnecessary home furnishings and furniture out of the house, my next task is to go through the closets and finally the garage to organize all the clutter in order to sell, donate, or keep. I will keep you all updated on my progress, and am going to try to heed the Zero-waste home philosophy found here.
What do you hang onto that clutters up your life? As much as I've loved our home, it's time to move on and let go into the next phase in order to continue to find joy in life!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Paleo Peach Crisp
With summer coming to an end, I thought that I'd share a recipe here for one of my favorite summer fruits...the peach! I have tried Elana's Pantry recipes before, and they're good.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Exercise: Just Take 15
In order to try and get my exercises done during the day, I break them down into 15-minute segments in order to make them more manageable.
Here are some activities to do in Just 15!
Here are some activities to do in Just 15!
- Floor Bicycles: Lay on your back on the floor. Put your hands behind your head & bicycle your legs as you alternate your right elbow towards your left knee, then your left elbow towards your right knee. Repeat 15 times (or work up to this in increments of 3). Between sets, stretch your legs out & your arms over your head to elongate your body while taking 3 deep breaths. Repeat the sequence 3 times.
- Cat/Cow Poses: After the floor bicycles, get up on all fours with your knees below your hips & your hands below your shoulders. Slowly round your back & pull your head down for Cat Pose, then arch your back & lift your head for Cow Pose. Repeat this sequence at least 3 times while taking deep breaths.
- Child's Pose and Downward Dog: After the Cat/Cow Poses, kneel and lean your bottom on your heels, then fold your torso on the floor with your hands to your side or in front of you, demonstrated in this video for Child's Pose. Take 3 deep breaths as you hold this position. For Downward Dog, come up on all fours again, tuck in your toes, and push up with your hands and feet to raise your bottom up with head down and legs as straight as possible. Take 3 deep breaths as you hold this position. See video here for demo.
- Forward Fold: pose as demonstrated here ---you can bend your knees slightly as you bend your body forward as far as you can. Hold for at least 3 deep breathes.
- Triangle Pose shown on this link. Again you can bend your knees slightly during the pose if you need to. Place your feet more than shoulder width apart, and turn your right foot out. Turn your upper body towards the right, reach your hands down towards your right ankle, and reach your left arm up as you look up, while keeping your right hand on your right ankle. Hold for at least 3 deep breathes.
- Tree Pose: demonstrated on this link --- Stand with a good, solid base, bend your right knee and place the bottom of your right foot on the inside of your left thigh. Hold this position for at least 3 deep breaths while holding your hands in prayer position over your heart center. Repeat on other side.
- This is a great way to start and/or end your day!
- Link here.
- Beginner Yoga. Here's a great video that gives practice tips; Link here, for those starting yoga.
- Hatha/Meditative Yoga (link), for a slow, relaxing practice.
- Ashtanga/Power Yoga (here), for a more strength practice, discussed in this link.
- Vinyasa/Movement Yoga (here), for a more general-type practice.
- Bikram/Hot Yoga (here), if you want heat in your practice!
- Yoga Overview. This link gives an overview of the types of yoga, so can choose which one is best for you. You can also mix it up, as long as you know your limits!
- Take your 15-minute morning and afternoon breaks at work and walk at your natural pace for those15 minutes.
- At home after dinner, take another 15 minute walk with the dog, with a spouse, or by yourself.
- HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is another option for brief and effective cardio & strength training without the long hours of intensive workouts. Here's a great app for this, The 12-Minute Athlete here.
- Treadmill Intervals is easy to do. Instead of staying on a steady pace, mix it up with different speeds. Here is my usual treadmill interval training:
- Start with a warm-up at an easy walk for 2:00 minutes.
- Pick up the pace to an easy jog for 1:00 minute.
- Pick up the pace even more to a fast jog for 2:00 minutes.
- Then up the pace to a easy run for 2:00 minute.
- Up the pace to a fast run for 1:30 minutes.
- Slow down to an easy jog for 2:00 minutes.
- Then up the pace to a fast run for 1:30 minutes.
- Slow down to a fast jog for 2:00 minutes.
- Finish with a cool-down at an easy walk for 1:00 minute.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Natural & Homemade: The Key to Looking & Feeling Young!
Anyway, take this un-retouched, unfiltered photo of my girlfriend and I as an example. She is only a year younger than me, though she looks like she can be in her 20's, and in person, she can look like a teenager since she's so petite. She is so active and healthy; I admire her energy and stamina. Like her, I have never smoked, rarely drink alcohol, and we both eat pretty clean, while having our treats once in awhile (code for, we love our food)! We used to run together when I lived in SoCal, and we both continue to stay fit. We both have never had any surgery done, although I do admit that I have had facials, and when I worked in dermatology and plastics 10 years ago, I did do Botox a few times (which I really didn't need at the time) and had some laser treatments (which was great for smoothing skin tone). If that has helped me with looking younger now, so be it, but I no longer get or want Botox, although I wouldn't pass up a non-invasive laser treatment and a good facial.
That being said, I believe the key to looking and feeling young is to be your most authentic self. I've been trying to eat as clean and natural as I can, making most of my meals from scratch. Another aspect of being authentic has been adding natural & homemade products to my beauty regimen, such as coconut oil for my facial & body moisturizer, and baking soda for a natural skin exfoliate. Even though I've always been pretty light-handed with the make-up, I forgo wearing any make-up 75% of the time now. Beauty products can add up in price, and can contain so many chemicals.
Recently, I have switched to a baking soda shampoo (1 part baking soda to 3 parts water---squeeze onto hair and massage through scalp and hair, then rinse well), and vinegar conditioner (1 part apple cider vinegar to 4 parts water with 1-2 drops of essential oil, like lavender if desired---squeeze a small amount through hair and rinse well). As an extra coconut oil hair moisturizer, melt a pea-sized amount of coconut oil by rubbing it between the hands, and lightly run through the hair, especially the ends. These have been approved by my hairstylist daughter, who says these natural products are just as good for cleaning and conditioning your hair. Try all these natural & homemade ways for looking & feeling young, and you may find more joy in your life!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Reduce Stress & Inflammation in 2 Simple Steps!
Our electronic world has allowed us to
be connected wherever we are, yet has disconnected us from where we are
now! We are virtually present, but not actually present. We are
interacting, but not with those around us. I
admit I'm just as guilty as the next person. It's difficult to 'just
be' in this cyber universe of ours. We feel like we're going to miss
something if we don't check our phone when it dings. What we really miss
out on, when we're busy trying to keep up with the techno world, is the
real world! The solution to this hyper connectivity is meditation and mindfulness. This National Institutes of Health (NIH) study, concluded that a major benefit to following these practices is improvement of the mind & body by reducing stress and inflammation.
Step One: Meditation
Meditation helps you learn mindfulness by increasing awareness and clarity, noted by an American Psychological Association (APA) article here. Try
this meditation at least once a day, for as long as you can. Meditating
when you awaken is a perfect way to start the day, and sets a positive
tone to your mood.
Meditation helps you learn mindfulness by increasing awareness and clarity, noted by an American Psychological Association (APA) article here.
- Get comfortable: Find a quiet, comfortable area where you can relax. Either sit straight up in a chair, with your feet on the ground and your hands on your lap, palms facing up, or lay flat on your back, with your legs outstretched and your arms to your sides, palms up.
- Just Relax & Breathe: Close your eyes, relaxing your mind and body. Take a deep breath, in and out of your nose, inhaling for a count of 4, holding for a count of 7, and exhaling for a count of 8.
- Imagine Positivity: As you get into the rhythm of your breath, imagine a white light entering your body from the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands. As you inhale, bring that white light up through every cell of your body to the top of your head. As you are washed with positive, cleansing energy, enjoy this feeling as you hold it in.
- Release Negativity: Once your body is cleansed with the positive light, gather the negativity trapped in your body, and release it with your exhale, down from the top of your head and out through your palms and soles.
- Be Still & Clear: Repeat the last couple of bullets for up to 15 minutes, clearing your mind and body of toxic thoughts and feelings. If you want, repeat this mantra---I am Safe. I am Secure. I am Loved. God is with me.
Step Two: Mindfulness
Mindfulness means coming back to the present moment and stilling the mind and body. Whenever you find yourself disengaged from reality, put away
any distractions that are distancing you from the moment, whether it's
your mind racing or wandering, or an electronic device.
- Stop and step out of the thinking process.
- Just breathe and calm your mind and body.
- Intentionally decide where you're going to focus your attention on.
- Focus on & experience where you are at, who you are with, what you are doing, and why.
- Just be present!
can be quite difficult at first, but stick with the practice of
meditation and mindfulness. It will pay off once you get the hang of it,
eventually becoming second nature. You will find that meditating
improves your mood, your stress level, and ultimately your health. The
power of being mindful of your everyday actions, as you're living it at
the moment, benefits both you and those around you, bringing more joy in your life!
![]() |
Don't miss present! |
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Reset with Real Food Ice Cream
Here is a real food ice cream dessert I found here, that uses lemons, blueberries, coconut milk, and an avocado. With my anniversary last week, along with our weekend getaway and anniversary party, I ate well...I mean really well!
This recipe is a great way to get back on track, while satisfying a sweet tooth! Tell me what you think of this refreshing treat, and as always, find what gives you joy in your life!
This recipe is a great way to get back on track, while satisfying a sweet tooth! Tell me what you think of this refreshing treat, and as always, find what gives you joy in your life!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Advice I Wish I Could Give to my Newlywed Self, 25 years later...
My 25th wedding anniversary is today! It's hard to believe that my husband and I have been married this long, although it can feel like our wedding was yesterday. I've been going through old photos, putting together mini-slide shows from Flipagram, and there are so many memories in them. There are the happy and the sad, knowing that behind the pictures, there's always more to the story. I'm glad that we stuck through it all, good and bad, because marriage is not an easy road. Sometimes I wish I knew then what I know now, so here's some wisdom and advice from my own experience to those early on in their married life, even those married longer, but may be struggling.
I found this quote a few years ago, and thought it perfectly summarized what I believe is the key to a successful marriage. "Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction" -Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Wind, Sand and Stars.
Whether you are married or in a serious relationship, remember the vows you made to each other. Realize the meaning and responsibility you took on when you promised these words to your partner. I have no doubt more people can have satisfaction in their marriages and relationships if they enjoy and appreciate the better, but also are steadfast and work through the worse.
Consider these words when you are going through a rough patch in your marriage and relationship. Believe me, it's not easy to work through these trials, but if you weather the storm, it is well worth it in the end. When you can sit with your mate and know that you are looking out into the same direction, the contentment that fills you will give you joy in your life and marriage!
<3 Cheryl Joy
Marriage is tough. It's not perfect, and it's not always happy. It has many challenges and can test a person in many ways. You will realize your love must be based on more than passion, because day-to-day marriage is not a romantic comedy; it's more like a dramedy! Come to think of it, marriage is like being on "Naked & Afraid"...Two people who don't know each other, who are placed in unknown territory, stripped down and vulnerable, with nothing but their own survival skills, and the willingness to work with the other person in order to survive.
Marriage takes commitment and perseverance. For better or for worse, for richer, for stick with it! Do this, and you will find that the joy in your relationship stems from the vows you took on your wedding day, not from the feelings you felt on your wedding day. Marriage takes constant work and the will to do it everyday. You must have optimism in your future and life together. You have to accept who your spouse is, and be comfortable in what your relationship is...all without compromising who you are and what you believe in as an individual.
Marriage takes commitment and perseverance. For better or for worse, for richer, for stick with it! Do this, and you will find that the joy in your relationship stems from the vows you took on your wedding day, not from the feelings you felt on your wedding day. Marriage takes constant work and the will to do it everyday. You must have optimism in your future and life together. You have to accept who your spouse is, and be comfortable in what your relationship is...all without compromising who you are and what you believe in as an individual.
I found this quote a few years ago, and thought it perfectly summarized what I believe is the key to a successful marriage. "Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction" -Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Wind, Sand and Stars.
Whether you are married or in a serious relationship, remember the vows you made to each other. Realize the meaning and responsibility you took on when you promised these words to your partner. I have no doubt more people can have satisfaction in their marriages and relationships if they enjoy and appreciate the better, but also are steadfast and work through the worse.
Consider these words when you are going through a rough patch in your marriage and relationship. Believe me, it's not easy to work through these trials, but if you weather the storm, it is well worth it in the end. When you can sit with your mate and know that you are looking out into the same direction, the contentment that fills you will give you joy in your life and marriage!
<3 Cheryl Joy
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
I was one of those kids who was always in my imagination, trying to
bring what I envisioned into life. I wanted to build a playhouse or a
tree house. I would dream up my own versions of
skits and plays, forcing my younger siblings and friends, who were like
siblings to me, to perform a variety show for our parents in
our downstairs den, costumes and all! Our school had a yearly May
Festival, and I recreated my version in our South Pasadena backyard,
selling tickets to my mother so she could buy the cookies that were used
with ingredients that she had purchased! As I crossed over into Junior
High, these activities seemed silly, and not so cool. This is when my
time with my imagination dwindled.
With all the responsibilities and practicalities of life, I craved something more, but couldn't put my finger on it. What seemed silly and uncool as a teenager became something I would long for as I reached adulthood, and it continued to nag at me. What I wanted was to find what gave me that joy, as I was putting my imagination into life; the creativity in my being needed expression. As corny and clique as it may sound, I wanted a passion...something that I got excited about, something that I couldn't stop thinking about, something that I enjoyed so much that time just passed by!
In order to find that need, that want, that passion in us, we need to quiet our mind, and look inward to find the clarity of our thoughts and awareness of what gives us joy. Personally, I pray and trust that God's plan will unfold, but with my stubbornness, I was never still enough to listen. This is where meditation and journaling have helped me.
Take action, and don't give up on your dreams! As you steadily realize what drives you, you will begin to just do what makes you excited & invigorated, bringing joy in your life!
<3 Cheryl Joy
With all the responsibilities and practicalities of life, I craved something more, but couldn't put my finger on it. What seemed silly and uncool as a teenager became something I would long for as I reached adulthood, and it continued to nag at me. What I wanted was to find what gave me that joy, as I was putting my imagination into life; the creativity in my being needed expression. As corny and clique as it may sound, I wanted a passion...something that I got excited about, something that I couldn't stop thinking about, something that I enjoyed so much that time just passed by!
In order to find that need, that want, that passion in us, we need to quiet our mind, and look inward to find the clarity of our thoughts and awareness of what gives us joy. Personally, I pray and trust that God's plan will unfold, but with my stubbornness, I was never still enough to listen. This is where meditation and journaling have helped me.
Take action, and don't give up on your dreams! As you steadily realize what drives you, you will begin to just do what makes you excited & invigorated, bringing joy in your life!
<3 Cheryl Joy
Thursday, July 10, 2014
What is your Passion Project?
When I had my idea for the Joy life club blog, I was hesitant since I had already started (and have since stopped) a blog, ShoeAxis , a couple years ago. I wasn't sure if I wanted to put myself "out there" again, but I still longed for a creative outlet to latch onto. Even though my daily work as a Nurse Practitioner was fulfilling, it lacked in inspiring me. My desire to do something that was unrelated to my day job, brought me to start a fashion blog. I believe I was on the right track, but I needed to fine-tune my intentions and focus.
The irony is that I found my passion was not for fashion, but for health & wellness---an area I was already in! Throughout my career as a medical healthcare provider, I was inclined to educating patients about their lifestyle habits . When patients came back for follow-up---improving their blood pressure readings, their labs results, even losing weight and feeling better, I felt empowered! To be a part of somebody's transformation is awe-inspiring. We are magnificent creatures made by an awesome God!
When I finally sat in silence, and pondered my life during my meditation, the obvious came clear. I was frustrated with conventional medicine's traditional and stringent approach to a patient's chronic health problems; addressing a symptom as a separate entity, verses addressing the symptom in how it relates to the whole person, in order to find the core problem. This is an area of medicine where I knew I could make a change in, and make a difference with my knowledge and experience, and yes, with my passion!
When I finally sat in silence, and pondered my life during my meditation, the obvious came clear. I was frustrated with conventional medicine's traditional and stringent approach to a patient's chronic health problems; addressing a symptom as a separate entity, verses addressing the symptom in how it relates to the whole person, in order to find the core problem. This is an area of medicine where I knew I could make a change in, and make a difference with my knowledge and experience, and yes, with my passion!
Sometimes I wonder why it took me so long to get it. Why I had to go through disappointments and failures. I sure did feel silly at times, but my first little blog actually got me out of my comfort zone, so for that I am grateful for my short stint with ShoeAxis. Experiences, circumstances, or even seemingly random moments in life, should remind us that there is a point and a purpose for whatever we are doing, whatever we are going through, to bring us to where we currently are. Sometimes we are too stubborn, too clueless, or too busy trying to figure it all out, that we forget to just be calm and still during these instances.
A friend of mine forwarded this article to me, and it was exactly what I had been feeling, validating that I wasn't alone in wanting to be enlivened, to do more, having a purpose, and giving back. Have you found the thing that enriches your life, whether it's an aspect of your career you can expand on, whether it's a hobby you have neglected and want to get back into, whether it's something you haven't quite figured out yet? Take the time to pause and consider what it is that stirs you, that motivates you, that inspires you. With a little prayer, and in the stillness of the moment, you will find clarity in the purpose that gives you joy in life!
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
The Next Step to Just Be Authentic: Eat & Enjoy being satisfied with Real Food!
We have to remember that, what is most important about healthy nutrition and eating well, is that we need food in order to survive. Our bodies were made to eat so we can supply it with nourishment and energy. In our modern world, the convenient access to food and water has improved quality of life. It has also been detrimental to the quality of our health, with processed, junk, and fast "food".
This is why we have to choose what we eat wisely, because it's not about the calories in the food, it's about the quality of the food that's essential. Here are some tips to improve your authentic self by feeding yourself authentic food!
This is why we have to choose what we eat wisely, because it's not about the calories in the food, it's about the quality of the food that's essential. Here are some tips to improve your authentic self by feeding yourself authentic food!
- Remember: Real people eat real food! We really are what we eat, so how can we be authentic when we eat manufactured, processed substances, that claim to be food? Go to the local farmer's market, Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, or just go to the produce section of the grocery store! Even better, plant and grow your own produce or ask friends for their overflow of vegetables and fruit from their gardens.
- Plan your meals & food shopping trips. Having a meal plan and shopping list helps focus your grocery shopping to what is necessary, leaving the chance for spontaneous & random purchases at a minimum.
- Set up an experience. In our distracted, digital society, we often don't experience our food. We miss out on what is going on around us, the socializing while eating, which is often relegated to special occasions. Take time to set the table, even if it's only for yourself, and stage a lovely ambience for your meal.
- Eat with intention. Even without watching TV, reading a book can also be a diversion from the awareness of eating. Being mindful about what you are eating; how it tastes and feels in your mouth, the sights and sounds around you, the feelings you experience while eating. These factors all contribute to the enjoyment of a meal, so don't cheat yourself out of this joy!
- Take time to enjoy and savor food. When we take the time and effort to plan our meals with real food, setting up an experience with intention, the act of eating can become a meditative act. The food tastes better, the moment feels special, and eating becomes more soothing, satisfying instead of a rushed, haphazard activity.
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Dinner made by my oldest daughter...Quinoa, roasted vegetable, & tri-tip tacos with freshly-made guacamole and salsa! (Her and my son left out the tri-tip, since they're vegetarians). |
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
The Next Step to Just Be Active: Rebounding & Yoga
Just like I stated in the last post on Active Relaxation, a good place to start being active, is with the Active Movement exercises from the 30-DJT Journey. If you haven't already
started these exercises, because you just "scanned through" the blog
posts, I encourage you to at least try the Active Movement portions
of the day, here, here, here, and here!
Now to the next step of being active...REBOUNDING & YOGA! In my opinion, after walking, these are the two easiest and most effective forms of exercise! The great thing about these exercises is that you don't feel like you're "exercising"; plus they can be done by most anyone, at any fitness level and intensity.
What is Rebounding, you ask?! Well, it's basically bouncing on a mini-trampoline! You can purchase one at Amazon. If you need something to hold onto to help stabilize you, here's another model. They are as inexpensive as $30, costing upwards to $150. In just 15 minutes of jumping, "jogging", "skiing", side-stepping, or even gentle bouncing on the rebounder, you get a great workout, as noted in this article. Rebounding helps drain toxins from the body by increasing lymphatic system flow. For those of you with bad joints, from years of running or other high impact activity, rebounding helps improve bone density! Start with this trampoline workout from WebMD, here.
Now for Yoga! You may say, "Not for me...I can't get into all those impossible, contorting positions!" Well, I'm here to tell you that in order to get the calming, strengthening, meditative, and restorative benefits of yoga, you don't need to do all that! This link has a sample 15-minute beginner's class to try yoga out for free! The Yoga Studio app is great for anyone, since it offers beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes, with classes from 10 to 60 minutes, and a choice of focus. Yoga has so many benefits, from stress reduction to heart health, from flexibility to strengthening, as noted in this article here.
So take the next step! Incorporate these valuable exercises into your daily routine, reaping the rewards of improved physical and mental health! Enjoy these fun, relaxing activities, and as always, find what gives you joy in your life.
<3 Cheryl Joy
What is Rebounding, you ask?! Well, it's basically bouncing on a mini-trampoline! You can purchase one at Amazon. If you need something to hold onto to help stabilize you, here's another model. They are as inexpensive as $30, costing upwards to $150. In just 15 minutes of jumping, "jogging", "skiing", side-stepping, or even gentle bouncing on the rebounder, you get a great workout, as noted in this article. Rebounding helps drain toxins from the body by increasing lymphatic system flow. For those of you with bad joints, from years of running or other high impact activity, rebounding helps improve bone density! Start with this trampoline workout from WebMD, here.
Now for Yoga! You may say, "Not for me...I can't get into all those impossible, contorting positions!" Well, I'm here to tell you that in order to get the calming, strengthening, meditative, and restorative benefits of yoga, you don't need to do all that! This link has a sample 15-minute beginner's class to try yoga out for free! The Yoga Studio app is great for anyone, since it offers beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes, with classes from 10 to 60 minutes, and a choice of focus. Yoga has so many benefits, from stress reduction to heart health, from flexibility to strengthening, as noted in this article here.
So take the next step! Incorporate these valuable exercises into your daily routine, reaping the rewards of improved physical and mental health! Enjoy these fun, relaxing activities, and as always, find what gives you joy in your life.
<3 Cheryl Joy
Sunday, June 29, 2014
The Next Step to Just Be Awesome: Meditation & Mindfulness
A good place to start meditation & mindfulness is with the Active Relaxation exercises from the 30-DJT Journey. If you haven't already started these exercises, because you just "scanned through" the blog posts, I encourage you to at least try these Active Relaxation portions of the day, here, here, here, and here! It's also important to just be active to help bring life joy, so if there is one Active Movement exercise you are willing to try, please try the 5 Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation!
These Active Relaxation exercises, along with the Active Movement exercises of the 5 Rites/Yoga and natural walking, can bring you an appreciation for yourself and everything around you! You will also find that you are more authentic in who you are, as well as what you eat, because your mind & body starts to crave things that are Real! This truly can help you find your optimal self and purpose in life, bringing you to reach out and help others, and may even help you find what gives you joy in life!
<3 Cheryl Joy
30-DJT Journey,
Friday, June 27, 2014
LiveJoyDaily starts with Awareness of Life
With us wrapping up our 30-Day Joylife Training Journey this coming weekend, I thought it would be a good time to introduce my new website,! It's still a work in progress (just like all of us in our lives) so we'll be able to see it grow and evolve together! I wanted to be able to continue this journey with an awareness of what we have accomplished; carrying it through beyond the thirty days. So please give me suggestions on how I can better serve your needs with this new venture. You can comment below, email via the website, or message me if you are part of the joy life club Facebook group. This site is not just for my benefit, but for all of us to better experience the bliss of life!
The purpose of LiveJoyDaily is to provide a practical resource for Mind-Body-Soul Health & Wellness information in an intentional, innovative, and interactive way. LiveJoyDaily's mission is a commitment to give guidance, motivation, and reassurance to anyone wanting to improve their well-being, through clarity of the mind, cleansing of the body, and restoration of the soul. The goal therefore, is for us all to reach our optimal selves through health & wellness, thus finding joy in each of our lives! The Joy life club blog will still exist to augment the website, or it can be read on it's own. The blog is accessible as usual, through, or with a link from the LiveJoyDaily website.
We need to increase our awareness of what is really happening in our lives now! Once we stop and ponder the moment, is when the wonder of life unfolds before us. Once we let go of thoughts like, "should've, would've, could've", our minds will naturally ease, bringing more clarity to each situation. This is why LiveJoyDaily is so important to me---to let others know that we can all "Live Joy Daily", but first, we have to "Just Be". This is what I believe is my great work---what I know, what I've experienced, and what I have the enthusiasm to share. So come and be a part of LiveJoyDaily with me!
The next challenge for everyone is to join me in 'The #LiveJoyDaily Movement', starting with a very simple photo exercise. Feel free to participate as many times, or for as long as you want by---
- Taking a photo, on any given day that you are living joy, and hashtag the photo #livejoydaily.
- Sharing this #livejoydaily photo on your favorite social media site(s), and tagging your friends.
- Passing it on and asking your friends to participate in 'The #LiveJoyDaily Movement' photo challenge also, and telling them to continue to pass it on, thus spreading the joy to the world of social media!
<3 Cheryl Joy
30-DJT Journey,
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
My Awesome Not-Meatloaf Recipe
You've got to try my awesome not-meatloaf recipe! Our book club helped my girlfriend make 30 casseroles of her 'Special K Loaf' recipe for our church's Easter potluck this year. It is my favorite and so delicious, but I wanted to try a gluten-free this is what I came up with.
*Two-10.5 ounce logs or 21 ounces of Fresh Goat Cheese or Kefir/Yogurt Cheese.
7 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup pecan nuts, chopped
4 cups Luke's Organic Brown Rice Chips, coarsely broken into smaller pieces
3 teaspoons or cubes of Chicken or Vegetable Bouillon, organic ideal
1 small to medium onion, chopped
1/2 cup (1 stick) of butter, grass-fed ideal
Preheat oven to 350F. Mix ingredients together (Tip: I just use my hands to mix the ingredients, since the cheese combines better this way!). Pour into a buttered 9x13-inch casserole dish. Bake for 40 - 45 minutes. *I buy my goat cheese at Costco, making it a cost-effective purchase.
Adapted from my BFFFs (Best Fun Friend Forever) Special K Loaf recipe.
My family loves my Awesome Not-Meatloaf Recipe! Serve it with a side of salad, and there's dinner! My favorite salad is arugula and plum-variety tomatoes mixed with a 2:1 ratio of extra-virgin olive oil and fresh-squeezed lemon, seasoned with sea salt & cracked black pepper to taste. Enjoy, and as always, find what gives you joy in life!
<3 Cheryl Joy
Cheryl Joy's Awesome Not-Meatloaf Recipe
(Makes one 9x13-inch dish)
*Two-10.5 ounce logs or 21 ounces of Fresh Goat Cheese or Kefir/Yogurt Cheese.
7 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup pecan nuts, chopped
4 cups Luke's Organic Brown Rice Chips, coarsely broken into smaller pieces
3 teaspoons or cubes of Chicken or Vegetable Bouillon, organic ideal
1 small to medium onion, chopped
1/2 cup (1 stick) of butter, grass-fed ideal
Preheat oven to 350F. Mix ingredients together (Tip: I just use my hands to mix the ingredients, since the cheese combines better this way!). Pour into a buttered 9x13-inch casserole dish. Bake for 40 - 45 minutes. *I buy my goat cheese at Costco, making it a cost-effective purchase.
Adapted from my BFFFs (Best Fun Friend Forever) Special K Loaf recipe.
My family loves my Awesome Not-Meatloaf Recipe! Serve it with a side of salad, and there's dinner! My favorite salad is arugula and plum-variety tomatoes mixed with a 2:1 ratio of extra-virgin olive oil and fresh-squeezed lemon, seasoned with sea salt & cracked black pepper to taste. Enjoy, and as always, find what gives you joy in life!
<3 Cheryl Joy
Monday, June 23, 2014
The 5 Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation
If you have followed closely with the 30-Day Joylife Training Journey, you have seen that I have mentioned the 5 Rites numerous times. The reason why is because this is such a great routine to integrate into your daily practice. Not only does it help strengthen your body, it can help strengthen your mind.
Start with three repetitions of each of the 5 Rites, adding in increments of three to the maximum of 21 repetitions. I do this every morning, and am up to 18 - 21 repetitions per move (except for the first rite, where I'm only up to 9). View this video here in order to understand each pose.
Enjoy this daily ritual, and as always, find what gives you joy in your life!
<3 Cheryl Joy
Start with three repetitions of each of the 5 Rites, adding in increments of three to the maximum of 21 repetitions. I do this every morning, and am up to 18 - 21 repetitions per move (except for the first rite, where I'm only up to 9). View this video here in order to understand each pose.
Enjoy this daily ritual, and as always, find what gives you joy in your life!
<3 Cheryl Joy
Friday, June 20, 2014
Week 4: 30-Day Joylife Training Journey
Congratulations on completing the first week, second week, and third week of our 30-DJT Journey! This schedule should be a part of your daily routine now, and even with going off track at times, you should be able to bounce right back in! Getting into a daily habit with these routines becomes easier and more enjoyable as it is ingrained into your life. Remember that you can always keep it simple, and go back to the basics! Make sure you take photos, as I discuss in this post, because you will definitely see the difference if you have followed along this 30-Day Joylife Training Journey!
Let's get going to the final week, week four!
Wake 6 - 7 am
This week, I'm sure you are up to at least hours 7 - 9 hours of sleep! If not, really try to push back your sleep time 1/2 hour until you can reach this ideal, as discussed in this post and why sleep is so crucial. If this is unrealistic for you, get at least 6 hours nighttime sleep with one 20 - 30 minute nap before 3 pm. If you are continuing to have sleep issues, it would be best if you consult with your primary care provider/physician to rule out if you have any medical issues.
Drink 1
Drink 8 - 12 ounces of filtered pure water before you get out of bed.
TIP: Fill a H2O bottle & place at beside table the night before.
Active Movement 1
Floor Bicycles: After drinking your H2O, lay on your back on the floor. Put your hands behind your head & bicycle your legs as you alternate your right elbow towards your left knee, then your left elbow towards your right knee. Repeat 15 times (or work up to this in increments of 3). Between sets, stretch your legs out & your arms over your head to elongate your body while taking 3 deep breaths. Repeat the sequence 3 times.
Active Relaxation 1
Cat/Cow Poses: After the floor bicycles, get up on all fours with your knees below your hips & your hands below your shoulders. Slowly round your back & pull your head down for Cat Pose, then arch your back & lift your head for Cow Pose. Repeat this sequence at least 3 times while taking deep breaths.
Week 2 "The Next Step": Add Child's Pose and Downward Dog into your routine. After the Cat/Cow Poses, kneel and lean your bottom on your heels, then fold your torso on the floor with your hands to your side or in front of you, demonstrated in this video for Child's Pose. Take 3 deep breaths as you hold this position. For Downward Dog, come up on all fours again, tuck in your toes, and push up with your hands and feet to raise your bottom up with head down and legs as straight as possible. Take 3 deep breaths as you hold this position. See video here for demo.
Week 3 "The Next Step": After the Downward Dog, walk your feet up to the Forward Fold pose as demonstrated here ---you can bend your knees slightly as you bend your body forward as far as you can. Hold for at least 3 deep breathes. If you want to be even more challenged, try the Triangle Pose shown on this link. Again you can bend your knees slightly during the pose if you need to. Place your feet more than shoulder width apart, and turn your right foot out. Turn your upper body towards the right, reach your hands down towards your right ankle, and reach your left arm up as you look up, while keeping your right hand on your right ankle. Hold for at least 3 deep breathes.
Week 4 "The Next Step": After the Triangle Pose, stand up with your feet together and your hands to your side. To get into the Tree Pose, demonstrated on this link --- Stand with a good, solid base, bend your right knee and place the bottom of your right foot on the inside of your left thigh. Hold this position for at least 3 deep breaths while holding your hands in prayer position over your heart center. Repeat on other side.
Active Movement 2
Calf Raises: While brushing your teeth, lift up with your toes and tighten your calf muscles. Repeat 10 times in 3 positions (toes pointing slightly inward, toes pointing straight forward, toes pointing slightly outward).
AM Exercises & Drink 2
Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation: Continue the 5 Tibetans as noted in this video link. Start to work up to where you are comfortable, in increments of 3, to a maximum of 21. Continue with these Five Rites before your morning exercise routine, if you already have one. Just be mindful of over-training and stressing your body. Remember these Rites of Rejuvenation are an ancient ritual, energizing and refreshing the body & mind!
Week 3 "The Next Step": Add Beginner Yoga (link) and/or Pilates (link). Try these links for apps that guide you through routines that you can do anywhere! I have both these apps, and I love them---sessions range from 15 - 60 minutes, and have beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. It's easy to ease in if you're new, or jump right in if you're seasoned!
Week 4 "The Next Step": Here's a great video below that gives tips, also link here, to those starting yoga. If you have already started with slow, relaxing Hatha/Meditative Yoga (link), why not move it up a notch and try Ashtanga/Power Yoga (here), as discussed in this link? Here's some tips to keep your yoga practice safe here. Other examples of yoga are Vinyasa/General Movement Yoga (here), Bikram/Hot Yoga (here). This link gives an overview of the types of yoga, so can choose which one is best for you. You can also mix it up, as long as you know your limits!
For those that want an under five minute beginner Pilates routine, watch this link here and here.
Drink another 8-16 ounces of H2O for every 15 - 30 minutes of exercise, a minimum of 8 ounces.
Breakfast 7 - 8 am
Coconut Oil-Fried Eggs over Arugula & Hemp Seed Hearts: Use about 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil to make 2 fried eggs, done to your preference (sunny-side up, over easy, or over hard). Lightly season with sea salt & cracked black pepper. Lay over a bed of arugula, drizzle with a little extra-virgin olive oil & squeeze some fresh lemon over top. Sprinkle with hemp seed hearts. Enjoy!
Active Movement 3
Chair Exercise: Sit in a chair, without wheels, sit on the edge of the chair so your thighs are not being supported by the chair, and rest your hands on the seat of the chair. Cross your right ankle over your left. Slowly lift & extend your legs, allowing the left leg to carry the right leg up, until they're straight & your shins are parallel to the floor. Hold for a count of 10. Slowly lower your feet back to the floor & uncross your ankles. Cross your left ankle over your right, lifting your right leg while carrying the left leg up, and hold for 10 more seconds. NOTE: The farther you sit back in the chair, the easier the exercise is. So if you're a beginner or if this is too difficult, start here.
AM Snack & Drink 3 10 - 11 am
Eat a seasonal fruit! See this post here for ideas under 'Be Real'.
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O.
AM Walk & Drink 4
Take a 10-15 minute walk at your own natural pace.
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O.
Active Relaxation 2
Chair Yoga: Sit up straight in a chair with hands on your knees. Inhale, look up and draw your chest and throat up toward the ceiling. Draw hands up along the legs toward thighs. Exhale, extend arms in front of you, and curl your spine so your mid-back touches the chair. Return to starting position and repeat at least 3 times.
"The Next Step": Here's a link showing you Yoga at your Desk! Use your discretion on which poses are appropriate at work and if you are able to take off your shoes.
Lunch 12 - 1 pm
Salmon Salad with Dill Vinaigrette: Recipe here.
Active Movement 4
Shoulder Stretch: Hold a towel or belt between your hands. Either stand up or sit down and reach your arms straight above your head. Slowly lower your right arm behind you, leaving your left arm in place, until you feel a stretch in both shoulders. Keep elbows straight! Switch arms, moving your right arm above your head and your left arm behind you. The towel or belt should be moving in a flossing motion. Repeat 5x. NOTE: I didn't have a towel or belt at work, so I used my stethoscope. Try to improvise if you need to!
PM Snack & Drink 5 3 - 4 pm
Sometimes, you just need a smoothie! Here's my favorites under 'Be Smooth(ies)' on this post.
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O.
PM Walk & Drink 6
Take a 10-15 minute walk at your own natural pace.
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O.
Active Relaxation 3
Deep Breathing: Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and slowly inhale through nose to a count of 4, expanding your lungs and abdomen, getting all the breath out of the bottom of your lungs, then holding it for a count of 7. Slowly exhale through nose for a count of 8 as you release the air and tension from your body. Repeat for at least 6 times.
"The Next Step": Whole Body Self-Massage---This is a simple addition to your deep breathing to help wake you up mid-afternoon. Start with your right hand gently squeezing the back of your neck, moving down your left shoulder, along your outer upper arm, down your forearm on the pinky side. Interlace your fingers while gently bending your fingers and rotating your wrists. Move your right hand again while gently squeezing along the thumb side of your forearm towards your inner upper arm, then gently rub the left side of your chest, then the left side of your stomach. Repeat with your left hand, gently squeezing the right side of your upper body. Next, use both hands to squeeze each thigh from top down, along your knees, shins, ankles, and feet. If you can, interlace your fingers with toes and gently bend toes while rotating ankles, if not, just do this part at home. Move your hands again while gently squeezing the soles and heels of your feet up behind your ankles, calves, back of knees & thighs, moving to squeeze the buttocks. Continue squeezing up your lower back and flanks, as far up your mid-back as you can go. You can end your self-massage with a gentle temple and scalp massage!
Active Relaxation 4
Hot Epsom Salt Bath: If you have the luxury of 10 minutes when you get home and before you need to start dinner or whatever, take a brief bath! Maybe before bedtime may be a better time for you instead, and is a great sleep aid. Fill your bathtub with water, as hot as you can stand it, add 2 cups of Epsom Salt & a couple drops of aromatherapy oil (if desired) into the bath. Soak for 10 minutes, no more than 15, and feel rejuvenated and ready for the evening or for relaxing sleep!
If you absolutely cannot take a bath, or if you have high blood pressure, other heart disease, or circulatory issues, try either the Butterfly Pose (described below in Active Relaxation 5) or Deep Breathing: Lay on the floor, legs stretched straight out, hands on side with palms up. Take deep breaths, as instructed above in Active Relaxation 3.
Drink 7
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O and/or your favorite steeped tea.
My favorite is a Homemade Ginger Tea: Peel and thinly slice 4-6 slices of ginger root. Boil in 2 cups of water for at least 10 minutes, 20 minutes for a stronger and tangier tea, using more slices of ginger as desired. Remove from heat and add fresh lemon or lime juice and honey or agave nectar to taste, if desired.
My favorite steeped tea from Starbucks is the Vanilla Roobis Tea without any sugar or sweeteners, real or fake!
Dinner 6 - 7 pm
Your Choice via Pinterest! You have come along the the journey that you should have the hang of choosing meals and recipes with real food! Scan Pinterest for ideas and/or view my Pinterest here if you still need help. I have recipes in Wellness as well as Favorite Recipes, Paleo Challenge, and Primal Transformation categories.
NOTE: Remember to always make extra so you can pack a lunch for the next day!
Active Movement 5
Your own tiny workout choice, like jumping jacks, side leg lifts, gentle stretching. While watching TV or relaxing on the couch, get up randomly and do a set of movements as much as you want. Or spend time with the family and play ping pong or catch in the yard. Go back to your childhood with your kids, and play games like "Duck, Duck, Goose"! Just play and have fun!
"The Next Step": More Tiny Workout Ideas On my Pinterest page here.
Evening Walk & Drink 8
Take a 10-15 minute walk at your own natural pace. Take your dog, your spouse/partner, and/or your kids.
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O. Try to drink at least 2 hours before bedtime, if possible
PM Exercises
If you already exercise in the evening, continue your routine, but just be mindful of over-training and stressing your body. But I would encourage you to try the Rebounding if you haven't yet! Therefore, it is still "The Next Step" for some of you!
Week 2 "The Next Step"---For those who are raring to go, I have discovered Rebounding! It's basically jumping on a mini-trampoline! I got mine on sale at Amazon, and if you need something to hold onto, here's another model. They are as inexpensive as $30, upwards to $150. Mine was on sale for $40, and it works just fine. Just 15 minutes of jumping, "jogging", "skiing", side-stepping, or any other movement on the rebounder can give you a great workout, as noted in this article. Rebounding helps drain toxins from the body by increasing lymphatic system flow. Those of you with bad joints from years of running, rebounding is also good to your joints, even helping with bone density!
Week 3 "The Next Step" Add Tabata, which is a series of one exercise, such as the burpees, that you do for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and repeat 8 times for a total of 4 minutes! See video below for burpees demo, which shows Tabata Timer app. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is another option for brief and effective cardio & strength training without the long hours of intensive workouts. Here's a great app for this, The 12-Minute Athlete here.
Week 4 "The Next Step" For those that want more of a low-impact, yet effective exercise routine, T-Tapp is a great option. You can get the DVD through this link; be warned, it looks like you're in a 1980's flashback video. Here's my favorite T-Tapp exercise called Hoe Downs on this video below that's a bit goofy, but very effective!
Active Relaxation 5
This is a great pose before bed or anytime you need to relax and decompress.
Butterfly Pose: Sit on the floor, yoga mat, or other soft padding and bring the soles of your feet together to touch, forming a diamond shape with your legs. Keeping your soles together, slide them forward and fold upper body down, resting hands on ankles, feet, or the floor in front of you. Allow back to round and relax head towards heels. Stay in this pose for 3 - 5 minutes, breathing deeply through nose. Stay mindful and observe the sensations of your body, along with emotions and thoughts. To come out, use hands to lift up and push floor away from you. Lean back onto your hands and release your hips by bending knees and straightening one leg at a time.
Lying Butterfly Pose (Variation for those with sciatica or lower back injuries): Sit on the floor, yoga mat, or other soft padding and bring the soles of your feet together to touch, forming a diamond shape with your legs. Keeping your soles together, slide them forward, then lie back on the floor with hands on abdomen. If you have knee injuries, place soft cushions under the knees while doing this pose.
Week 3 "The Next Step" Meditation! A great way to start, and I also started with an app called Headspace, that starts you on 10 days for 10 minutes. Andy is the guy that guides you through the meditation with a cool British accent without being cheesy at all! Meditation just clears your mind and gets you to take deep, controlled breaths, helping to also calm your body. Try it...I promise you'll be hooked! It truly helps you become more mindful & present in the moment. It's not out there and weird, honestly you won't regret it!
Week 4 "The Next Step" Nine-point Meditation: Find a quiet spot and, if you want, apply a drop of essential oil, such as lavender, to each of these 9 points---
Sleep 10 - 11 pm, no later than midnight!
Good Night! Now go to bed so you can get at least 7 - 9 hours of sleep, so you'll be alert & refreshed in the morning!
WEEK 4: DAY 2 - 7
Breakfast Ideas
<3 Cheryl Joy
Wake 6 - 7 am
This week, I'm sure you are up to at least hours 7 - 9 hours of sleep! If not, really try to push back your sleep time 1/2 hour until you can reach this ideal, as discussed in this post and why sleep is so crucial. If this is unrealistic for you, get at least 6 hours nighttime sleep with one 20 - 30 minute nap before 3 pm. If you are continuing to have sleep issues, it would be best if you consult with your primary care provider/physician to rule out if you have any medical issues.
Drink 1
Drink 8 - 12 ounces of filtered pure water before you get out of bed.
TIP: Fill a H2O bottle & place at beside table the night before.
Active Movement 1
Floor Bicycles: After drinking your H2O, lay on your back on the floor. Put your hands behind your head & bicycle your legs as you alternate your right elbow towards your left knee, then your left elbow towards your right knee. Repeat 15 times (or work up to this in increments of 3). Between sets, stretch your legs out & your arms over your head to elongate your body while taking 3 deep breaths. Repeat the sequence 3 times.
Active Relaxation 1
Cat/Cow Poses: After the floor bicycles, get up on all fours with your knees below your hips & your hands below your shoulders. Slowly round your back & pull your head down for Cat Pose, then arch your back & lift your head for Cow Pose. Repeat this sequence at least 3 times while taking deep breaths.
Week 2 "The Next Step": Add Child's Pose and Downward Dog into your routine. After the Cat/Cow Poses, kneel and lean your bottom on your heels, then fold your torso on the floor with your hands to your side or in front of you, demonstrated in this video for Child's Pose. Take 3 deep breaths as you hold this position. For Downward Dog, come up on all fours again, tuck in your toes, and push up with your hands and feet to raise your bottom up with head down and legs as straight as possible. Take 3 deep breaths as you hold this position. See video here for demo.
Week 3 "The Next Step": After the Downward Dog, walk your feet up to the Forward Fold pose as demonstrated here ---you can bend your knees slightly as you bend your body forward as far as you can. Hold for at least 3 deep breathes. If you want to be even more challenged, try the Triangle Pose shown on this link. Again you can bend your knees slightly during the pose if you need to. Place your feet more than shoulder width apart, and turn your right foot out. Turn your upper body towards the right, reach your hands down towards your right ankle, and reach your left arm up as you look up, while keeping your right hand on your right ankle. Hold for at least 3 deep breathes.
Week 4 "The Next Step": After the Triangle Pose, stand up with your feet together and your hands to your side. To get into the Tree Pose, demonstrated on this link --- Stand with a good, solid base, bend your right knee and place the bottom of your right foot on the inside of your left thigh. Hold this position for at least 3 deep breaths while holding your hands in prayer position over your heart center. Repeat on other side.
Active Movement 2
Calf Raises: While brushing your teeth, lift up with your toes and tighten your calf muscles. Repeat 10 times in 3 positions (toes pointing slightly inward, toes pointing straight forward, toes pointing slightly outward).
AM Exercises & Drink 2
Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation: Continue the 5 Tibetans as noted in this video link. Start to work up to where you are comfortable, in increments of 3, to a maximum of 21. Continue with these Five Rites before your morning exercise routine, if you already have one. Just be mindful of over-training and stressing your body. Remember these Rites of Rejuvenation are an ancient ritual, energizing and refreshing the body & mind!
Week 3 "The Next Step": Add Beginner Yoga (link) and/or Pilates (link). Try these links for apps that guide you through routines that you can do anywhere! I have both these apps, and I love them---sessions range from 15 - 60 minutes, and have beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. It's easy to ease in if you're new, or jump right in if you're seasoned!
Week 4 "The Next Step": Here's a great video below that gives tips, also link here, to those starting yoga. If you have already started with slow, relaxing Hatha/Meditative Yoga (link), why not move it up a notch and try Ashtanga/Power Yoga (here), as discussed in this link? Here's some tips to keep your yoga practice safe here. Other examples of yoga are Vinyasa/General Movement Yoga (here), Bikram/Hot Yoga (here). This link gives an overview of the types of yoga, so can choose which one is best for you. You can also mix it up, as long as you know your limits!
For those that want an under five minute beginner Pilates routine, watch this link here and here.
Drink another 8-16 ounces of H2O for every 15 - 30 minutes of exercise, a minimum of 8 ounces.
Breakfast 7 - 8 am
Coconut Oil-Fried Eggs over Arugula & Hemp Seed Hearts: Use about 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil to make 2 fried eggs, done to your preference (sunny-side up, over easy, or over hard). Lightly season with sea salt & cracked black pepper. Lay over a bed of arugula, drizzle with a little extra-virgin olive oil & squeeze some fresh lemon over top. Sprinkle with hemp seed hearts. Enjoy!
Active Movement 3
Chair Exercise: Sit in a chair, without wheels, sit on the edge of the chair so your thighs are not being supported by the chair, and rest your hands on the seat of the chair. Cross your right ankle over your left. Slowly lift & extend your legs, allowing the left leg to carry the right leg up, until they're straight & your shins are parallel to the floor. Hold for a count of 10. Slowly lower your feet back to the floor & uncross your ankles. Cross your left ankle over your right, lifting your right leg while carrying the left leg up, and hold for 10 more seconds. NOTE: The farther you sit back in the chair, the easier the exercise is. So if you're a beginner or if this is too difficult, start here.
AM Snack & Drink 3 10 - 11 am
Eat a seasonal fruit! See this post here for ideas under 'Be Real'.
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O.
AM Walk & Drink 4
Take a 10-15 minute walk at your own natural pace.
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O.
Active Relaxation 2
Chair Yoga: Sit up straight in a chair with hands on your knees. Inhale, look up and draw your chest and throat up toward the ceiling. Draw hands up along the legs toward thighs. Exhale, extend arms in front of you, and curl your spine so your mid-back touches the chair. Return to starting position and repeat at least 3 times.
"The Next Step": Here's a link showing you Yoga at your Desk! Use your discretion on which poses are appropriate at work and if you are able to take off your shoes.
Lunch 12 - 1 pm
Salmon Salad with Dill Vinaigrette: Recipe here.
Active Movement 4
Shoulder Stretch: Hold a towel or belt between your hands. Either stand up or sit down and reach your arms straight above your head. Slowly lower your right arm behind you, leaving your left arm in place, until you feel a stretch in both shoulders. Keep elbows straight! Switch arms, moving your right arm above your head and your left arm behind you. The towel or belt should be moving in a flossing motion. Repeat 5x. NOTE: I didn't have a towel or belt at work, so I used my stethoscope. Try to improvise if you need to!
PM Snack & Drink 5 3 - 4 pm
Sometimes, you just need a smoothie! Here's my favorites under 'Be Smooth(ies)' on this post.
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O.
PM Walk & Drink 6
Take a 10-15 minute walk at your own natural pace.
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O.
Active Relaxation 3
Deep Breathing: Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and slowly inhale through nose to a count of 4, expanding your lungs and abdomen, getting all the breath out of the bottom of your lungs, then holding it for a count of 7. Slowly exhale through nose for a count of 8 as you release the air and tension from your body. Repeat for at least 6 times.
"The Next Step": Whole Body Self-Massage---This is a simple addition to your deep breathing to help wake you up mid-afternoon. Start with your right hand gently squeezing the back of your neck, moving down your left shoulder, along your outer upper arm, down your forearm on the pinky side. Interlace your fingers while gently bending your fingers and rotating your wrists. Move your right hand again while gently squeezing along the thumb side of your forearm towards your inner upper arm, then gently rub the left side of your chest, then the left side of your stomach. Repeat with your left hand, gently squeezing the right side of your upper body. Next, use both hands to squeeze each thigh from top down, along your knees, shins, ankles, and feet. If you can, interlace your fingers with toes and gently bend toes while rotating ankles, if not, just do this part at home. Move your hands again while gently squeezing the soles and heels of your feet up behind your ankles, calves, back of knees & thighs, moving to squeeze the buttocks. Continue squeezing up your lower back and flanks, as far up your mid-back as you can go. You can end your self-massage with a gentle temple and scalp massage!
Active Relaxation 4
Hot Epsom Salt Bath: If you have the luxury of 10 minutes when you get home and before you need to start dinner or whatever, take a brief bath! Maybe before bedtime may be a better time for you instead, and is a great sleep aid. Fill your bathtub with water, as hot as you can stand it, add 2 cups of Epsom Salt & a couple drops of aromatherapy oil (if desired) into the bath. Soak for 10 minutes, no more than 15, and feel rejuvenated and ready for the evening or for relaxing sleep!
If you absolutely cannot take a bath, or if you have high blood pressure, other heart disease, or circulatory issues, try either the Butterfly Pose (described below in Active Relaxation 5) or Deep Breathing: Lay on the floor, legs stretched straight out, hands on side with palms up. Take deep breaths, as instructed above in Active Relaxation 3.
Drink 7
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O and/or your favorite steeped tea.
My favorite is a Homemade Ginger Tea: Peel and thinly slice 4-6 slices of ginger root. Boil in 2 cups of water for at least 10 minutes, 20 minutes for a stronger and tangier tea, using more slices of ginger as desired. Remove from heat and add fresh lemon or lime juice and honey or agave nectar to taste, if desired.
My favorite steeped tea from Starbucks is the Vanilla Roobis Tea without any sugar or sweeteners, real or fake!
Dinner 6 - 7 pm
Your Choice via Pinterest! You have come along the the journey that you should have the hang of choosing meals and recipes with real food! Scan Pinterest for ideas and/or view my Pinterest here if you still need help. I have recipes in Wellness as well as Favorite Recipes, Paleo Challenge, and Primal Transformation categories.
NOTE: Remember to always make extra so you can pack a lunch for the next day!
Active Movement 5
Your own tiny workout choice, like jumping jacks, side leg lifts, gentle stretching. While watching TV or relaxing on the couch, get up randomly and do a set of movements as much as you want. Or spend time with the family and play ping pong or catch in the yard. Go back to your childhood with your kids, and play games like "Duck, Duck, Goose"! Just play and have fun!
"The Next Step": More Tiny Workout Ideas On my Pinterest page here.
Evening Walk & Drink 8
Take a 10-15 minute walk at your own natural pace. Take your dog, your spouse/partner, and/or your kids.
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O. Try to drink at least 2 hours before bedtime, if possible
PM Exercises
If you already exercise in the evening, continue your routine, but just be mindful of over-training and stressing your body. But I would encourage you to try the Rebounding if you haven't yet! Therefore, it is still "The Next Step" for some of you!
Week 2 "The Next Step"---For those who are raring to go, I have discovered Rebounding! It's basically jumping on a mini-trampoline! I got mine on sale at Amazon, and if you need something to hold onto, here's another model. They are as inexpensive as $30, upwards to $150. Mine was on sale for $40, and it works just fine. Just 15 minutes of jumping, "jogging", "skiing", side-stepping, or any other movement on the rebounder can give you a great workout, as noted in this article. Rebounding helps drain toxins from the body by increasing lymphatic system flow. Those of you with bad joints from years of running, rebounding is also good to your joints, even helping with bone density!
Week 3 "The Next Step" Add Tabata, which is a series of one exercise, such as the burpees, that you do for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and repeat 8 times for a total of 4 minutes! See video below for burpees demo, which shows Tabata Timer app. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is another option for brief and effective cardio & strength training without the long hours of intensive workouts. Here's a great app for this, The 12-Minute Athlete here.
Week 4 "The Next Step" For those that want more of a low-impact, yet effective exercise routine, T-Tapp is a great option. You can get the DVD through this link; be warned, it looks like you're in a 1980's flashback video. Here's my favorite T-Tapp exercise called Hoe Downs on this video below that's a bit goofy, but very effective!
Active Relaxation 5
This is a great pose before bed or anytime you need to relax and decompress.
Butterfly Pose: Sit on the floor, yoga mat, or other soft padding and bring the soles of your feet together to touch, forming a diamond shape with your legs. Keeping your soles together, slide them forward and fold upper body down, resting hands on ankles, feet, or the floor in front of you. Allow back to round and relax head towards heels. Stay in this pose for 3 - 5 minutes, breathing deeply through nose. Stay mindful and observe the sensations of your body, along with emotions and thoughts. To come out, use hands to lift up and push floor away from you. Lean back onto your hands and release your hips by bending knees and straightening one leg at a time.
Lying Butterfly Pose (Variation for those with sciatica or lower back injuries): Sit on the floor, yoga mat, or other soft padding and bring the soles of your feet together to touch, forming a diamond shape with your legs. Keeping your soles together, slide them forward, then lie back on the floor with hands on abdomen. If you have knee injuries, place soft cushions under the knees while doing this pose.
Week 3 "The Next Step" Meditation! A great way to start, and I also started with an app called Headspace, that starts you on 10 days for 10 minutes. Andy is the guy that guides you through the meditation with a cool British accent without being cheesy at all! Meditation just clears your mind and gets you to take deep, controlled breaths, helping to also calm your body. Try it...I promise you'll be hooked! It truly helps you become more mindful & present in the moment. It's not out there and weird, honestly you won't regret it!
Week 4 "The Next Step" Nine-point Meditation: Find a quiet spot and, if you want, apply a drop of essential oil, such as lavender, to each of these 9 points---
- The middle of your forehead
- The back of your neck
- Your heart
- Your throat
- The bottom of each foot
- Your tailbone
- The inside of each wrist
Sleep 10 - 11 pm, no later than midnight!
Good Night! Now go to bed so you can get at least 7 - 9 hours of sleep, so you'll be alert & refreshed in the morning!
WEEK 4: DAY 2 - 7
Breakfast Ideas
- 1/2 - 1 cup Greek Yogurt with Fresh or Frozen Blueberries, Pecans or Walnuts, and if you're adventurous, crumbled Bacon!
- 2 - 3 hard-boiled Eggs drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled with hemp seed hearts or chia seeds, then seasoned with sea salt & cracked black pepper.
- 2 - 4 ounces Smoked Salmon, arugula or spinach, and tomato, drizzled with olive oil on 1 slice of multi-grain or gluten-free bread.
- 1/2 cup Steel-cut Oats (or gluten-free oats) made with unsweetened almond milk, organic honey, nuts or seeds and sliced bananas.
- 2 - 3 over-easy or over-hard eggs cooked with a small pat of butter or coconut oil, 1/2 - 1 sliced avocado, arugula or baby kale or spinach, sprinkled with hemp seed hearts or chia seeds.
- Omega Smoothie: 1 handful of berries, 1 slice pineapple, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed. ---from "The Body Doesn't Lie" by Vicky Vlachonis.
- Basic Real Food Smoothie Base here.
- This is basically your meal staple to follow for lunch & dinner:
- 4 - 8 ounces lean protein (fish, turkey, chicken, grass-fed beef, tempah),
- 1/2 plate of non-starchy veggies or salad,
- 1/2 - 1 cup brown or wild rice, or quinoa (occasional pasta, white rice, risotto),
- 1/2 - 1 serving fruit
- Recipe ideas on sites here, here, and here
- For Gluten-free and Paleo recipe, see links here, here, and here
- 1 - 2 slices Brie or aged Gouda cheese with your favorite fruit
- 2 - 3 organic rice cakes with almond or sunflower seed butter
- Carrot & Celery Sticks with Hummus
- Make-your-own trail mix with almonds, walnuts, gogi berries or dried blueberries, and dark chocolate cocoa chips
- 1-2 squares (1/2-1 ounce) of dark chocolate (at least 70%), but limit to 1 - 2 times per week
- 1 serving of fruit
- A handful of almonds, cashews,sunflower seeds (all unsalted)
- 4 - 6 dates with 5 - 10 pecans
- Sliced cucumbers with fresh guacamole
- Nut & Fruit mix with walnuts, almonds, prunes, figs
- A Larabar (one of the only truly real food energy bar)
- Pineapple-Coconut Smoothie: Blend until a creamy consistency---1 whole, cubed pineapple that has been frozen overnight with 1 can of coconut milk. Variation is any fruit with plain almond milk or whole milk, if tolerated. Enjoy 1 - 2 times per week.
- For more at work & general snack ideas, see this link here and here.
<3 Cheryl Joy
30-day challenge,
30-DJT Journey,
Real food
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