Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Natural & Homemade: The Key to Looking & Feeling Young!

People often wonder how Jennifer Aniston and JLo can look so young, despite being in their mid-40's, even just turning 50, as in Sandra Bullock. Most don't believe them when they say that it's genetics and healthy living, claiming they haven't had plastic surgery or other enhancements. Maybe I'm just naive, but whether or not they are being 100% truthful, I know that naturally looking young is indeed possible. I've seen it with my friends & family, and I myself have been mistaken for being 10 years younger (remember, I'm almost Sandra Bullock's age...), even those saying I look like I'm in my late 20's to early 30's...probably just flattery I say for those compliments! My mother is in her late 70's (she'll hate that I just wrote that), but she can pass for her early 60's.

Anyway, take this un-retouched, unfiltered photo of my girlfriend and I as an example. She is only a year younger than me, though she looks like she can be in her 20's, and in person, she can look like a teenager since she's so petite. She is so active and healthy; I admire her energy and stamina. Like her, I have never smoked, rarely drink alcohol, and we both eat pretty clean, while having our treats once in awhile (code for, we love our food)! We used to run together when I lived in SoCal, and we both continue to stay fit. We both have never had any surgery done, although I do admit that I have had facials, and when I worked in dermatology and plastics 10 years ago, I did do Botox a few times (which I really didn't need at the time) and had some laser treatments (which was great for smoothing skin tone). If that has helped me with looking younger now, so be it, but I no longer get or want Botox, although I wouldn't pass up a non-invasive laser treatment and a good facial.

That being said, I believe the key to looking and feeling young is to be your most authentic self. I've been trying to eat as clean and natural as I can, making most of my meals from scratch. Another aspect of being authentic has been adding natural & homemade products to my beauty regimen, such as coconut oil for my facial & body moisturizer, and baking soda for a natural skin exfoliate. Even though I've always been pretty light-handed with the make-up, I forgo wearing any make-up 75% of the time now. Beauty products can add up in price, and can contain so many chemicals.

Recently, I have switched to a baking soda shampoo (1 part baking soda to 3 parts water---squeeze onto hair and massage through scalp and hair, then rinse well), and vinegar conditioner (1 part apple cider vinegar to 4 parts water with 1-2 drops of essential oil, like lavender if desired---squeeze a small amount through hair and rinse well). As an extra coconut oil hair moisturizer, melt a pea-sized amount of coconut oil by rubbing it between the hands, and lightly run through the hair, especially the ends. These have been approved by my hairstylist daughter, who says these natural products are just as good for cleaning and conditioning your hair. Try all these natural & homemade ways for looking & feeling young, and you may find more joy in your life!

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