Since 2007, I have been taking medication for my hypothyroidism, being finally diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis in 2013, an autoimmune cause for hypothyroidism. I have had my good and bad with managing the symptoms of hypothyroidism, namely the weight gain and fatigue, even low level depression. Even with running and eating fairly healthy, I still struggled with feeling bloated and extreme tiredness, even though my blood levels were "normal". Last year, in July 2013, I had started to gain weight, which became almost 10 lbs, and I had been on & off with my running. I admit that I wasn't eating as clean as I should, and I wasn't getting enough quality sleep, even sleeping too much! Even with more sleep, I was still exhausted. I needed to improve the quality of my life. My health and well-being were being sabotaged because I wasn't taking care of my SELF! I needed some TLC in order to regain the Joy in my life.
In January, I instinctively decided to just start walking at work and hiking on the weekends, instead of stressing about running and getting my mileage in for the next race. This past March, a co-worker of mine was doing a 30-day Paleo diet. I decided to take on this challenge even though I hate diets! I saw that it didn't look too difficult, plus I was desperate to lose the 10 lbs that I had put on during the holidays, on top of the 10 lbs I had gained since the summer. As I got into the challenge, I had more energy, was less bloated, felt less "down", and lost 7 lbs the first week! I looked into the Paleo diet and saw that it had helped those with autoimmune issues.
I'm down the extra 10 lbs and am more toned since I started. With my increased energy and enthusiasm, I started to meditate, continue to learn yoga and pilates, and I'm even journaling daily now. Our family takes hikes now, and we're going to start kayaking this summer. My husband and I are going to take a SUP (Stand-up Paddling) class in June at a nearby lake. I even signed up for an online art/drawing class. This was sparked from my memory of a college art class I took, remembering I enjoyed it, even drawing a pretty good still-life of one of my shoes, of course!
Don't get me wrong. I still get tired and frustrated, I still need to learn to still my mind and be present, and to just stop what I'm doing so I can get my rest and sleep, I still need to motivate myself to eat healthy & exercise. The difference now is that I know that I'm awesome because I'm finding that inner joy again. I'm finding me and what brings me joy, since there's less noise, less brain fog, less fatigue. I don't have to pretend as much now. I can be my genuine self because I can just be... So don't worry about getting on an exercise program. Just get up and be active!
Join me on a 30-Day Joylife Training Journey here. Give yourself a little TLC so that you can find your Joy! And just get out there & Be Active! Tell me your thoughts and as always, find what gives you joy in your life.
<3 Cheryl Joy
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