Monday, October 13, 2014

Yoga: From Hate to Love

A synopsis of my relationship with yoga throughout the years:
  • I first tried yoga 10 years ago. 
    • A friend of mine invited me to a class. 
    • I went and was confused.
    • So I decided I didn't like it. 
    • But I bought a yoga mat anyway. 
    • I honestly don't remember if I ever went back.
  • Yoga came up again 5 years ago. 
    • A co-worker raved about it.
    • She invited me to go. 
    • I said I had tried it and "hated it".
    • My daughter went instead and loved it.
  • This year, I thought I'd give yoga a try again.
    • I attended a free class at our new gym.
    • Can you believe that I loved it?!
    • Maybe it was the smaller class.
    • Maybe it was because the teacher took it slow.
    • Maybe it was because I have less ADHD.
  • My daughter brought me to her Vinyasa yoga studio a couple weeks ago.
    • I was scared, but survived. 
    • And now I'm hooked!
    • I practice Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga, both at home and at ZudaYoga, which is the perfect Yin/Yang balance for me!
NOTE: I may try an Ashtanga class, but honestly don't think I'll ever do Bikram Yoga... Then again, ask me in another 10 years! ;)

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