Friday, June 20, 2014

Week 4: 30-Day Joylife Training Journey

Congratulations on completing the first week, second week, and third week of our 30-DJT Journey! This schedule should be a part of your daily routine now, and even with going off track at times, you should be able to bounce right back in!  Getting into a daily habit with these routines becomes easier and more enjoyable as it is ingrained into your life.  Remember that you can always keep it simple, and go back to the basics! Make sure you take photos, as I discuss in this post, because  you will definitely see the difference if you have followed along this 30-Day Joylife Training Journey!

Let's get going to the final week, week four!



Wake  6 - 7 am
This week, I'm sure you are up to at least hours 7 - 9 hours of sleep! If not, really try to push back your sleep time 1/2 hour until you can reach this ideal, as discussed in this post and why sleep is so crucial. If this is unrealistic for you, get at least 6 hours nighttime sleep with one 20 - 30 minute nap before 3 pm. If you are continuing to have sleep issues, it would be best if you consult with your primary care provider/physician to rule out if you have any medical issues.

Drink 1
Drink 8 - 12 ounces of filtered pure water before you get out of bed.
TIP: Fill a H2O bottle & place at beside table the night before.

Active Movement 1
Floor Bicycles: After drinking your H2O, lay on your back on the floor. Put your hands behind your head & bicycle your legs as you alternate your right elbow towards your left knee, then your left elbow towards your right knee. Repeat 15 times (or work up to this in increments of 3). Between sets, stretch your legs out & your arms over your head to elongate your body while taking 3 deep breaths. Repeat the sequence 3 times.

Active Relaxation 1
Cat/Cow Poses: After the floor bicycles, get up on all fours with your knees below your hips & your hands below your shoulders. Slowly round your back & pull your head down for Cat Pose, then arch your back & lift your head for Cow Pose. Repeat this sequence at least 3 times while taking deep breaths.
Week 2 "The Next Step": Add Child's Pose and Downward Dog into your routine. After the Cat/Cow Poses, kneel and lean your bottom on your heels, then fold your torso on the floor with your hands to your side or in front of you, demonstrated in this video for Child's Pose. Take 3 deep breaths as you hold this position. For Downward Dog, come up on all fours again, tuck in your toes, and push up with your hands and feet to raise your bottom up with head down and legs as straight as possible. Take 3 deep breaths as you hold this position. See video here for demo.
Week 3 "The Next Step": After the Downward Dog, walk your feet up to the Forward Fold pose as demonstrated here ---you can bend your knees slightly as you bend your body forward as far as you can. Hold for at least 3 deep breathes. If you want to be even more challenged, try the Triangle Pose shown on this link. Again you can bend your knees slightly during the pose if you need to. Place your feet more than shoulder width apart, and turn your right foot out. Turn your upper body towards the right, reach your hands down towards your right ankle, and reach your left arm up as you look up, while keeping your right hand on your right ankle. Hold for at least 3 deep breathes.
Week 4 "The Next Step": After the Triangle Pose, stand up with your feet together and your hands to your side. To get into the Tree Pose, demonstrated on this link --- Stand with a good, solid base, bend your right knee and place the bottom of your right foot on the inside of your left thigh. Hold this position for at least 3 deep breaths while holding your hands in prayer position over your heart center. Repeat on other side.

Active Movement 2
Calf Raises: While brushing your teeth, lift up with your toes and tighten your calf muscles. Repeat 10 times in 3 positions (toes pointing slightly inward, toes pointing straight forward, toes pointing slightly outward).

AM Exercises & Drink 2
Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation: Continue the 5 Tibetans as noted in this video link. Start to work up to where you are comfortable, in increments of 3, to a maximum of 21. Continue with these Five Rites before your morning exercise routine, if you already have one. Just be mindful of over-training and stressing your body. Remember these Rites of Rejuvenation are an ancient ritual, energizing and refreshing the body & mind!
Week 3 "The Next Step":  Add Beginner Yoga (link) and/or Pilates (link). Try these links for apps that guide you through routines that you can do anywhere! I have both these apps, and I love them---sessions range from 15 - 60 minutes, and have beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. It's easy to ease in if you're new, or jump right in if you're seasoned!
Week 4 "The Next Step": Here's a great video below that gives tips, also link here, to those starting yoga. If you have already started with slow, relaxing Hatha/Meditative Yoga (link), why not move it up a notch and try Ashtanga/Power Yoga (here), as discussed in this link? Here's some tips to keep your yoga practice safe here. Other examples of yoga are Vinyasa/General Movement Yoga (here), Bikram/Hot Yoga (here). This link gives an overview of the types of yoga, so can choose which one is best for you.  You can also mix it up, as long as you know your limits!
For those that want an under five minute beginner Pilates routine, watch this link here and here.
Drink another 8-16 ounces of H2O for every 15 - 30 minutes of exercise, a minimum of 8 ounces.


Breakfast  7 - 8 am
Coconut Oil-Fried Eggs over Arugula & Hemp Seed Hearts: Use about 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil to make 2 fried eggs, done to your preference (sunny-side up, over easy, or over hard). Lightly season with sea salt & cracked black pepper.  Lay over a bed of arugula, drizzle with a little extra-virgin olive oil & squeeze some fresh lemon over top.  Sprinkle with hemp seed hearts.  Enjoy!

Active Movement 3
Chair Exercise: Sit in a chair, without wheels, sit on the edge of the chair so your thighs are not being supported by the chair, and rest your hands on the seat of the chair. Cross your right ankle over your left. Slowly lift & extend your legs, allowing the left leg to carry the right leg up, until they're straight & your shins are parallel to the floor. Hold for a count of 10. Slowly lower your feet back to the floor & uncross your ankles. Cross your left ankle over your right, lifting your right leg while carrying the left leg up, and hold for 10 more seconds. NOTE: The farther you sit back in the chair, the easier the exercise is. So if you're a beginner or if this is too difficult, start here.

AM Snack & Drink 3  10 - 11 am
Eat a seasonal fruit!  See this post here for ideas under 'Be Real'.
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O.

AM Walk & Drink 4
Take a 10-15 minute walk at your own natural pace.
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O.

Active Relaxation 2
Chair Yoga: Sit up straight in a chair with hands on your knees. Inhale, look up and draw your chest and throat up toward the ceiling. Draw hands up along the legs toward thighs. Exhale, extend arms in front of you, and curl your spine so your mid-back touches the chair. Return to starting position and repeat at least 3 times.
"The Next Step": Here's a link showing you Yoga at your Desk! Use your discretion on which poses are appropriate at work and if you are able to take off your shoes.

Lunch  12 - 1 pm
Salmon Salad with Dill Vinaigrette: Recipe here.

Active Movement 4
Shoulder Stretch: Hold a towel or belt between your hands. Either stand up or sit down and reach your arms straight above your head. Slowly lower your right arm behind you, leaving your left arm in place, until you feel a stretch in both shoulders. Keep elbows straight! Switch arms, moving your right arm above your head and your left arm behind you. The towel or belt should be moving in a flossing motion. Repeat 5x. NOTE: I didn't have a towel or belt at work, so I used my stethoscope. Try to improvise if you need to!

PM Snack & Drink 5   3 - 4 pm
Sometimes, you just need a smoothie! Here's my favorites under 'Be Smooth(ies)' on this post.
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O.

PM Walk & Drink 6
Take a 10-15 minute walk at your own natural pace.
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O.

Active Relaxation 3
Deep Breathing: Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and slowly inhale through nose to a count of 4, expanding your lungs and abdomen, getting all the breath out of the bottom of your lungs, then holding it for a count of 7. Slowly exhale through nose for a count of 8 as you release the air and tension from your body. Repeat for at least 6 times.
"The Next Step": Whole Body Self-Massage---This is a simple addition to your deep breathing to help wake you up mid-afternoon.  Start with your right hand gently squeezing the back of your neck, moving down your left shoulder, along your outer upper arm, down your forearm on the pinky side. Interlace your fingers while gently bending your fingers and rotating your wrists.  Move your right hand again while gently squeezing along the thumb side of your forearm towards your inner upper arm, then gently rub the left side of your chest, then the left side of your stomach. Repeat with your left hand, gently squeezing the right side of your upper body. Next, use both hands to squeeze each thigh from top down, along your knees, shins, ankles, and feet. If you can, interlace your fingers with toes and gently bend toes while rotating ankles, if not, just do this part at home. Move your hands again while gently squeezing the soles and heels of your feet up behind your ankles, calves, back of knees & thighs, moving to squeeze the buttocks. Continue squeezing up your lower back and flanks, as far up your mid-back as you can go.  You can end your self-massage with a gentle temple and scalp massage!


Active Relaxation 4
Hot Epsom Salt Bath: If you have the luxury of 10 minutes when you get home and before you need to start dinner or whatever, take a brief bath! Maybe before bedtime may be a better time for you instead, and is a great sleep aid. Fill your bathtub with water, as hot as you can stand it, add 2 cups of Epsom Salt & a couple drops of aromatherapy oil (if desired) into the bath. Soak for 10 minutes, no more than 15, and feel rejuvenated and ready for the evening or for relaxing sleep!
If you absolutely cannot take a bath, or if you have high blood pressure, other heart disease, or circulatory issues, try either the Butterfly Pose (described below in Active Relaxation 5) or Deep Breathing: Lay on the floor, legs stretched straight out, hands on side with palms up. Take deep breaths, as instructed above in Active Relaxation 3.

Drink 7
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O and/or your favorite steeped tea.
My favorite is  a Homemade Ginger Tea: Peel and  thinly slice 4-6 slices of ginger root. Boil in 2 cups of water for at least 10 minutes, 20 minutes for a stronger and tangier tea, using more slices of ginger as desired. Remove from heat and add fresh lemon or lime juice and honey or agave nectar to taste, if desired.
My favorite steeped tea from Starbucks is the Vanilla Roobis Tea without any sugar or sweeteners, real or fake!

Dinner  6 - 7 pm
Your Choice via Pinterest! You have come along the the journey that you should have the hang of choosing meals and recipes with real food!  Scan Pinterest for ideas and/or view my Pinterest here if you still need help.  I have recipes in Wellness as well as Favorite Recipes, Paleo Challenge, and Primal Transformation categories.
NOTE: Remember to always make extra so you can pack a lunch for the next day!

Active Movement 5
Your own tiny workout choice, like jumping jacks, side leg lifts, gentle stretching. While watching TV or relaxing on the couch, get up randomly and do a set of movements as much as you want. Or spend time with the family and play ping pong or catch in the yard. Go back to your childhood with your kids, and play games like "Duck, Duck, Goose"! Just play and have fun!
"The Next Step"More Tiny Workout Ideas On my Pinterest page here.  
Evening Walk & Drink 8
Take a 10-15 minute walk at your own natural pace. Take your dog, your spouse/partner, and/or your kids.
Drink another 4 - 8 ounces of H2O. Try to drink at least 2 hours before bedtime, if possible

PM Exercises
If you already exercise in the evening, continue your routine, but just be mindful of over-training and stressing your body. But I would encourage you to try the Rebounding if you haven't yet! Therefore, it is still "The Next Step" for some of you!
Week 2 "The Next Step"---For those who are raring to go, I have discovered Rebounding! It's basically jumping on a mini-trampoline! I got mine on sale at Amazon, and if you need something to hold onto, here's another model. They are as inexpensive as $30, upwards to $150. Mine was on sale for $40, and it works just fine. Just 15 minutes of jumping, "jogging", "skiing", side-stepping, or any other movement on the rebounder can give you a great workout, as noted in this article. Rebounding helps drain toxins from the body by increasing lymphatic system flow. Those of you with bad joints from years of running, rebounding is also good to your joints, even helping with bone density!
Week 3 "The Next Step" Add Tabata, which is a series of one exercise, such as the burpees, that you do for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and repeat 8 times for a total of 4 minutes! See video below for burpees demo, which shows Tabata Timer app. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is another option for brief and effective cardio & strength training without the long hours of intensive workouts. Here's a great app for this, The 12-Minute Athlete here.
Week 4 "The Next Step" For those that want more of a low-impact, yet effective exercise routine, T-Tapp is a great option. You can get the DVD through this link; be warned, it looks like you're in a 1980's flashback video.  Here's my favorite T-Tapp exercise called Hoe Downs on this video below that's a bit goofy, but very effective!

Active Relaxation 5
This is a great pose before bed or anytime you need to relax and decompress.
Butterfly Pose: Sit on the floor, yoga mat, or other soft padding and bring the soles of your feet together to touch, forming a diamond shape with your legs. Keeping your soles together, slide them forward and fold upper body down, resting hands on ankles, feet, or the floor in front of you. Allow back to round and relax head towards heels. Stay in this pose for 3 - 5 minutes, breathing deeply through nose. Stay mindful and observe the sensations of your body, along with emotions and thoughts. To come out, use hands to lift up and push floor away from you. Lean back onto your hands and release your hips by bending knees and straightening one leg at a time.
Lying Butterfly Pose (Variation for those with sciatica or lower back injuries): Sit on the floor, yoga mat, or other soft padding and bring the soles of your feet together to touch, forming a diamond shape with your legs. Keeping your soles together, slide them forward, then lie back on the floor with hands on abdomen. If you have knee injuries, place soft cushions under the knees while doing this pose.
Week 3 "The Next Step" Meditation! A great way to start, and I also started with an app called Headspace, that starts you on 10 days for 10 minutes. Andy is the guy that guides you through the meditation with a cool British accent without being cheesy at all! Meditation just clears your mind and gets you to take deep, controlled breaths, helping to also calm your body. Try it...I promise you'll be hooked! It truly helps you become more mindful & present in the moment. It's not out there and weird, honestly you won't regret it!
Week 4 "The Next Step" Nine-point Meditation: Find a quiet spot and, if you want, apply a drop of essential oil, such as lavender, to each of these 9 points---
  • The middle of your forehead
  • The back of your neck
  • Your heart
  • Your throat
  • The bottom of each foot
  • Your tailbone
  • The inside of each wrist
Lie on your back, arms on your sides with palms up. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths through your nose. With your mind's eye, connect each of the nine-points together as instructed.  With one breath, inhale while tracing from the feet to the tailbone to the back of your neck, then exhale while tracing back from neck, tailbone, to feet. Take another breath, inhale from the wrists to your heart, and then to the throat, then exhale while tracing back from throat, heart, to wrists. Repeat this sequence for as long as you want and/or have time for. You may just purely meditate, keeping your mind clear by counting the breaths or thinking of open, blue sky. You may repeat a simple mantra if you wish to; my favorite, simple mantra is---I am loved. I am secure. I am forgiven. God is with me.  "When you take a deep breath in, you bring attention to your thoughts, fill up your "tank." When you breathe out, you release your pain, release your fear." Vicky Vlachonis.

Sleep  10 - 11 pm, no later than midnight!
Good Night! Now go to bed so you can get at least 7 - 9 hours of sleep, so you'll be alert & refreshed in the morning!

WEEK 4: DAY 2 - 7

Breakfast Ideas
  • 1/2 - 1 cup Greek Yogurt with Fresh or Frozen Blueberries, Pecans or Walnuts, and if you're adventurous, crumbled Bacon!
  •  2 - 3 hard-boiled Eggs drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled with hemp seed hearts or chia seeds, then seasoned with sea salt & cracked black pepper.
  • 2 - 4 ounces Smoked Salmon, arugula or spinach, and tomato, drizzled with olive oil on 1 slice of multi-grain or gluten-free bread.
  • 1/2 cup Steel-cut Oats (or gluten-free oats) made with unsweetened almond milk, organic honey, nuts or seeds and sliced bananas.
  • 2 - 3 over-easy or over-hard eggs cooked with a small pat of butter or coconut oil, 1/2 - 1 sliced avocado, arugula or baby kale or spinach, sprinkled with hemp seed hearts or chia seeds.
  • Omega Smoothie: 1 handful of berries, 1 slice pineapple, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed. ---from "The Body Doesn't Lie" by Vicky Vlachonis.
  • Basic Real Food Smoothie Base here.
Lunch/Dinner Ideas
  •  This is basically your meal staple to follow for lunch & dinner: 
    • 4 - 8 ounces lean protein (fish, turkey, chicken, grass-fed beef, tempah), 
    • 1/2 plate of non-starchy veggies or salad, 
    • 1/2 - 1 cup brown or wild rice, or quinoa (occasional pasta, white rice, risotto), 
    • 1/2 - 1 serving fruit
  • Recipe ideas on sites here, here, and here
  • For Gluten-free and Paleo recipe, see links here, here, and here
Snack Ideas
  • 1 - 2 slices Brie or aged Gouda cheese with your favorite fruit
  • 2 - 3 organic rice cakes with almond or sunflower seed butter
  • Carrot & Celery Sticks with Hummus
  • Make-your-own trail mix with almonds, walnuts, gogi berries or dried blueberries, and dark chocolate cocoa chips
  • 1-2 squares (1/2-1 ounce) of dark chocolate (at least 70%), but limit to 1 - 2 times per week
  • 1 serving of fruit
  • A handful of almonds, cashews,sunflower seeds (all unsalted)
  • 4 - 6 dates with 5 - 10 pecans
  • Sliced cucumbers with fresh guacamole
  • Nut & Fruit mix with walnuts, almonds, prunes, figs 
  • A Larabar (one of the only truly real food energy bar)
  • Pineapple-Coconut Smoothie: Blend until a creamy consistency---1 whole, cubed pineapple that has been frozen overnight with 1 can of coconut milk. Variation is any fruit with plain almond milk or whole milk, if tolerated. Enjoy 1 - 2 times per week.
  • For more at work & general snack ideas, see this link here and here.
You completed the fourth and final week of the 30-DJT Journey! Let me know how you did and let me know any of your thoughts. Even though the 30-DJT Journey has ended, take these new habits, principles, and routines into your daily life!  Come back to this journey and/or view the Keep It Simple Version here. Integrate it into your everyday living, continuing on the journey, and as always, find what gives you joy in your life.

                                                                <3 Cheryl Joy

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