Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Letting Go, Part 1

We have family and friends who have stayed in our home throughout the years we have lived in Fair Oaks. My besties and their husbands came for a visit last fall. Since Olga Lane was used as a bed & breakfast for our yearly couples retreat, we nicknamed our house Chateau L'Acob. 

It is both exciting and sad to be selling Chateau L'Acob....our home for over eight years. It's hard to let go of a home you love that is filled with so many memories. Nonetheless, we are letting go into the next phase of our lives as empty nesters since our youngest starts college next week. 

Olga Lane aka Chateau L'Acob will always hold a special place in our hearts. It welcomed us to NorCal, keeping us safe and secure. It is the home that hosted the celebration of all three kids high school graduation parties. It is where we brought Kona home to live; the home he so fiercely protects. 

This link here shows photos of our beloved home, taken for the listing of Olga Lane. This is the home where our family lived through the kids teenage years, the only home Kona knows, the home that has given us so many joy-filled memories!

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