Friday, June 27, 2014

LiveJoyDaily starts with Awareness of Life

With us wrapping up our 30-Day Joylife Training Journey this coming weekend, I thought it would be a good time to introduce my new website,!  It's still a work in progress (just like all of us in our lives) so we'll be able to see it grow and evolve together! I wanted to be able to continue this journey with an awareness of what we have accomplished; carrying it through beyond the thirty days.  So please give me suggestions on how I can better serve your needs with this new venture.  You can comment below, email via the website, or message me if you are part of the joy life club Facebook group. This site is not just for my benefit, but for all of us to better experience the bliss of life!

The purpose of LiveJoyDaily is to provide a practical resource for Mind-Body-Soul Health & Wellness information in an intentional, innovative, and interactive way. LiveJoyDaily's mission is a commitment to give guidance, motivation, and reassurance to anyone wanting to improve their well-being, through clarity of the mind, cleansing of the body, and restoration of the soul. The goal therefore, is for us all to reach our optimal selves through health & wellness, thus finding joy in each of our lives! The Joy life club blog will still exist to augment the website, or it can be read on it's own.  The blog is accessible as usual, through, or with a link from the LiveJoyDaily website. 

We need to increase our awareness of what is really happening in our lives now! Once we stop and ponder the moment, is when the wonder of life unfolds before us. Once we let go of thoughts like, "should've, would've, could've", our minds will naturally ease, bringing more clarity to each situation.  This is why LiveJoyDaily is so important to me---to let others know that we can all "Live Joy Daily", but first, we have to "Just Be".  This is what I believe is my great work---what I know, what I've experienced, and what I have the enthusiasm to share. So come and be a part of LiveJoyDaily with me! 

The next challenge for everyone is to join me in 'The #LiveJoyDaily Movement', starting with a very simple photo exercise. Feel free to participate as many times, or for as long as you want by---
  • Taking a photo, on any given day that you are living joy, and hashtag the photo #livejoydaily.
  • Sharing this #livejoydaily photo on your favorite social media site(s), and tagging your friends. 
  • Passing it on and asking your friends to participate in 'The #LiveJoyDaily Movement' photo challenge also, and telling them to continue to pass it on, thus spreading the joy to the world of social media!
The most important part of this challenge is to be aware of where you are and who you are with, enjoying each and every moment of life! The goal of the challenge is to notice those moments of joy in life, taking a breath and pausing, bringing this awareness of life inward...and just be! Let's start this, 'The #LiveJoyDaily Movement', and as always, find what gives you joy in life!

<3 Cheryl Joy


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