Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Marriage Is Not Always Happily Ever After...

I know that I posted a version of this back in July, but I believe that it's worth repeating, because sometimes it takes more than just once in order to get through to some of us!

Truth #1: Marriage is tough. It's not perfect, and it's not always happy. It has many challenges and can test a person in many ways. You will realize your love must be based on more than passion, because day-to-day marriage is not a romantic comedy; it's more like a dramedy! Come to think of it, marriage is like being on "Naked & Afraid" ...Two people who don't know each other, who are placed in unknown territory, stripped down and vulnerable, with nothing but their own survival skills, and the willingness to work with the other person in order to survive.

Truth #2: Marriage takes commitment and perseverance. For better or for worse, for richer, for poorer...you stick with it! Do this, and you will find that the joy in your relationship stems from the vows you took on your wedding day, not from the feelings you felt on your wedding day. Marriage takes constant work and the will to do it everyday. 
Truth #3: Marriage means being genuine and confident . You must have optimism in your future and life together. You have to accept who your spouse is, and be comfortable in what your relationship is...all without compromising who you are and what you believe in as an individual.

Truth #4: Marriage isn't sappy, it's sensible. I found this quote a few years ago, and thought it perfectly summarized what I believe is the key to a successful marriage. "Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Wind, Sand and Stars.

Truth #5: Marriage is about reveling in the good and dealing with the bad. Whether you are married or in a serious relationship, remember the vows you made to each other. Realize the meaning and responsibility you took on when you promised these words to your partner. I have no doubt more people can have satisfaction in their marriages and relationships if they enjoy and appreciate the better, but also are steadfast and work through the worse.

Consider these truths when you are going through a rough patch in your marriage and relationship. Believe me, it's not easy to work through these trials, but if you weather the storm, it is well worth it in the end. When you can sit with your mate and know that you are looking out into the same direction, the satisfaction and contentment that fills you will give you joy in your life and marriage!

Our 25th Wedding Anniversary Party July 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Letting Go, Part 2

So letting go of the house actually started with the impending letting go of our youngest daughter. We are moving her into the dorm today...we're both excited for her, yet sad to think that she won't be living with us full time anymore. Our baby is all grown up and ready to take on the world. She wants to study abroad or be a missionary for a year, so she'll take the 5 year route, which is fine with us.

Looking at these photos, the first one at her 7th birthday, and the second one at her 17th birthday last year, there are so many memories of our little girl who just turned 18 this summer. Cherish the times you have with your children and loved ones because these are the moments that give you joy in your life!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Letting Go, Part 1

We have family and friends who have stayed in our home throughout the years we have lived in Fair Oaks. My besties and their husbands came for a visit last fall. Since Olga Lane was used as a bed & breakfast for our yearly couples retreat, we nicknamed our house Chateau L'Acob. 

It is both exciting and sad to be selling Chateau L'Acob....our home for over eight years. It's hard to let go of a home you love that is filled with so many memories. Nonetheless, we are letting go into the next phase of our lives as empty nesters since our youngest starts college next week. 

Olga Lane aka Chateau L'Acob will always hold a special place in our hearts. It welcomed us to NorCal, keeping us safe and secure. It is the home that hosted the celebration of all three kids high school graduation parties. It is where we brought Kona home to live; the home he so fiercely protects. 

This link here shows photos of our beloved home, taken for the listing of Olga Lane. This is the home where our family lived through the kids teenage years, the only home Kona knows, the home that has given us so many joy-filled memories!

Friday, September 5, 2014


Simplify...that's what I want to do now. In fact, I've gone as far as convincing the hubby to sell our house so we can downsize from our 3500 square foot home into one no larger than 1800 square feet. I mean, how much space do my husband, dog and I need now after our youngest has graduated from high school?

Our realtor is coming today with the photographer, so I've been purging the house in order to stage it for showings and an open house on Sunday! I have been wanting to get rid of all our unnecessary stuff and junk for awhile, so putting the house on the market is just the push I needed! It's crazy how such a daunting task becomes doable when there's an incentive.

I found an article in Sunset Magazine here about a family of four who down-sided from a 3000 square foot home into a 1400 square foot home. Not only did they choose to live in a smaller home with two grade school boys, they adopted the goal of a Zero-waste home. Wow! I was intrigued enough to purchase their book on how to live with minimal waste and stuff because seriously, we have accumulated so much sh** in our over 25 years together.

Now that I have taken all the unnecessary home furnishings and furniture out of the house, my next task is to go through the closets and finally the garage to organize all the clutter in order to sell, donate, or keep. I will keep you all updated on my progress, and am going to try to heed the Zero-waste home philosophy found here.

What do you hang onto that clutters up your life? As much as I've loved our home, it's time to move on and let go into the next phase in order to continue to find joy in life!