Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Just Be Authentic: Part II of 30-Day Joylife Training Journey Preparation

As promised, here are the 30-DJT Journey Format & Guidelines, along with a suggested shopping list. This will further prepare you for the journey to your optimal life & self!
  • I have modeled the 30-DJT Journey on what I have found works for me, and what I believe will be realistic for most people. 
  • The Daily Plan is based on my typical day. Please adjust it to best fit into your day so that you can build a healthy routine. I find that having an agenda for your day actually helps with sticking to your goals, and the routine ingrains these new healthy habits into your daily life and being!
  • Each 30-DJT week will be posted the Friday before the week starts, so look for new weekly posts on: 
    • May 30th for Week 1 on 6/1-7,
    • June 6th for Week 2 on 6/8-14,
    • June 13th for Week 3 on 6/15-21,
    • June 20th for Week 4 on 6/22-30.
  • Your regular-sized  plate-100%, should contain:
    • 1) at least half a plate of colorful and/or leafy vegetables-50-75%, 
    • 2) a palm-sized portion [4-8 ounces] of a healthy protein-25-30%, 
    • 3) a quarter plate of whole grains-0-10% [gluten-free or no grains for those with stomach intolerance or autoimmune issues],
    • 4) a serving of fruit-10-20%, or as a snack [max 2-3 servings/day].
  • Shoot to eat three meals a day with a healthy mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack.
    • Breakfast from 7-8 am
    • Mid-morning snack from 10-11 am
    • Lunch from 12-1 pm
    • Mid-afternoon snack from 3-4 pm
    • Dinner from 5-7 pm
  • Remember this is not about calories, but about eating healthy, whole, real food. Please keep this in mind as you are shopping and meal planning.
  • Healthy Real Food Grocery List (Suggested)
    • Pure, Filtered Water, at least enough for 64-80 ounces per day per person
    • Lemons, for warm lemon water and for salads
    • Organic Honey or Agave
    • Eggs, ideally organic
    • Plain Greek Yogurt
    • Silk Coconut or Almond Milk, original or unsweetened
    • Canned Coconut Milk (such as Thai Kitchen brand)
    • Goat Cheese
    • Non-processed cheeses, such as those that are raw/aged, if you must (and I must!), but in moderation
    • Pecans, Walnuts, and/or Almonds (unsalted)
    • Pistachios & Cashews, in moderation (unsalted)
    • Sunflower seeds (unsalted)
    • Chia seeds, Flaxseed, Hemp seeds, Hemp seed hearts
    • Organic Granola (gluten-free for those sensitive)
    • Steel-cut Oatmeal (gluten-sensitive or those with autoimmune issues may not tolerate)
    • Your favorite colorful & leafy-green vegetables (such as asparagus, spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, bell peppers, zucchini, squash, mushrooms)
    • Sweet potatoes, Yams, Carrots, or other favorite root vegetables (Potatoes in moderation)
    • Your favorite fruit (such as avocados, apples, oranges, grapefruit, mangos, pineapples, blueberries, strawberries-frozen okay for berries, but fresh ideal)
    • Beef, Fish, Chicken, and/or Tofu, Tempeh (a healthier alternative to tofu since it's not processed like tofu/soy products, which you should eat in moderation or even avoid for those with autoimmune issues)
    • Organic Bacon or Turkey Bacon
    • Mung beans, or other favorite legumes
    • Black beans, or other favorite beans
    • Hummus/Garbanzo beans
    • Garlic, Onions (Red, White, Yellow), Shallots, Ginger Root
    • Spices, such as cumin, cinnamon, turmeric, etc.
    • Herbs, such as basil, mint, sage, oregeno, etc.
    • Sea Salt 
    • Kosher Salt
    • Cracked Black Pepper
    • Red Pepper Flakes 
    • Dijon Mustard, Brown Seed Mustard
    • Quinoa
    • Brown Rice
    • Wild Rice
    • White Rice (only in moderation)
    • Bean thread noodles
    • Rice noodles
    • Pasta (ideally whole-wheat, but in moderation or avoid for those gluten-sensitive)
    • Extra virgin Olive Oil, for salads & low heat cooking
    • Coconut Oil, for cooking, baking, sauteing, & light frying
    • Sesame Oil, for cooking, sauteing
    • Avocado Oil, for salads, cooking, sauteing, & deep frying (expensive, so may keep frying to a minimum!)
    • Organic, grass-fed Butter (No margarine or artificial butter spreads, please!)
    • Almond and Sunflower Butter
    • Dark chocolate, at least 70% Cacao
    • And if you must have chips, try 'Luke's Organic Brown Rice Chips with Himalayan Pink Sea Salt'. Please try to avoid until the 30-DJT is completed & only as a rare treat after.
  • Note that I did not put amounts down for the food since it depends on how many people in your household are on the 30-DJT Journey. If it's just you, then figure for one serving, such as the meat, you want between 4-8 ounces for at least lunch and dinner. Breakfast will consist mostly of eggs, yogurt, oatmeal, granola, and fruit & veges.
  • This is  a guide for you to follow...there's no right or wrong (except for processed & junk food, meaning none or rare/minimum). Remember the purpose of this journey is to start eating whole, real food in appropriate portions without starving or stuffing yourself!
  • Try recipes that you find, since mine are suggestions, and are meant to start you on your journey while you begin to find what you like & what you dislike. For additional recipes and menu ideas, go to my Pinterest page, and I have a ton that I've pinned under 'Wellness', 'Paleo Challenge', and 'Primal Transformation'. Some pins will even link you to the websites where you can find more ideas on healthy eating. 
  • I do have some recipes under 'Food' on Pinterest that may not be as healthy, that I posted prior to my own journey, but you can still have those on very special occasions, but after the 30-DJT Journey.  
  • When you do indulge, just be careful and stick with only going off course 10-20% of the time. This would average 2-4 "cheats" a week. I don't believe in true restriction, since this makes most of us protest, but this doesn't give you license to "blowing it" all the time!
  • Some of the items on this list will become staples in your house, so get used to them and you will learn how to shop for the amounts that your household needs. 
  • It's always best to shop for meat, fruits, and vegetables close to when you're going to use them so they're the freshest! If needed, meats can freeze well, and may save money when purchased in bulk. Buy organic ideally.
  • Make sure you plan your overall meals so that you're not tempted to slack off and eat unhealthy!
  • Prepare foods using the least amount of oil (stick to oils noted above) or organic grass-fed butter (please no margarine,etc.), avoiding frying, especially deep frying.
  • The majority of your meals need to be homemade, prepared from fresh, whole, real food ingredients. No boxed "diet" or "healthy" foods!
  • Try not to go out to eat for more than 2-3 meals per week. When you do go out to eat, order smart and watch your portion size. Having your food boxed up is great for lunch the next day.
  • Avoid fast food joints at all costs! There are so many other healthy options, like Chipotle instead of Del Taco!
  • Eat no or minimum processed foods and avoid candy and sweet desserts/treats (e.g. Donuts!), along with junk food like potato chips or Doritos!
  • Dark chocolate, at least 70%, for a sweet treat is okay! Limit it to no more than 1/2 - 1 ounce/day.
  • No more than 1-2 glasses of wine for women and 2-3 glasses of wine for men is okay, but limit this to 2-3x per week max!
All this information, along with the Part I post here, prepares you for our upcoming 30-DJT Journey next week here! Comment, message, or email me if you have any questions, if you just need support and encouragement, or if you want to just say hey!  

I hope you are just excited about our journey as I am! Tell me your thoughts and as always, find what gives you joy in your life.

                                                               <3 Cheryl Joy

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