Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Importance of Flexibility

Those of you that follow my blog know that one of my favorite ways of stretching is with yoga, especially Yin Yoga. If you are one who does not practice yoga or if you're short on time, this link here gives you a fast 10-minute daily stretch routine.

Next to cardiovascular exercise and strength training, stretching is the forgotten third pillar of fitness. It has been proven to prevent injury, improve athletic performance, prevent aging conditions, such as arthritis, improve circulation and blood flow to muscles, even lower the risk of cardiovascular disease! So get stretching and bring more space and joy into your life!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Procrastination & Organization

I love being organized, but I'm such a procrastinator! Ever since we put our house on the market and staged our home, my plan was to continue with this house purge. Well, I'm still needing to go through the closets, kitchen, and garage! If we get an offer soon, I'm going to have to kick it up into high gear. So in order to best use my time as well as let go of items, I found this article on how to minimize (aka how to get rid of stuff!). This home organization article here is also going to help me get and stay organized when we move into our new home. Wish us luck with our house sale so we can start our downsized, minimalistic joy-filled life!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Yoga: From Hate to Love

A synopsis of my relationship with yoga throughout the years:
  • I first tried yoga 10 years ago. 
    • A friend of mine invited me to a class. 
    • I went and was confused.
    • So I decided I didn't like it. 
    • But I bought a yoga mat anyway. 
    • I honestly don't remember if I ever went back.
  • Yoga came up again 5 years ago. 
    • A co-worker raved about it.
    • She invited me to go. 
    • I said I had tried it and "hated it".
    • My daughter went instead and loved it.
  • This year, I thought I'd give yoga a try again.
    • I attended a free class at our new gym.
    • Can you believe that I loved it?!
    • Maybe it was the smaller class.
    • Maybe it was because the teacher took it slow.
    • Maybe it was because I have less ADHD.
  • My daughter brought me to her Vinyasa yoga studio a couple weeks ago.
    • I was scared, but survived. 
    • And now I'm hooked!
    • I practice Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga, both at home and at ZudaYoga, which is the perfect Yin/Yang balance for me!
NOTE: I may try an Ashtanga class, but honestly don't think I'll ever do Bikram Yoga... Then again, ask me in another 10 years! ;)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Finding What Gives you Joy in 2 Simple Steps

Our electronic world has allowed us to be connected wherever we are, yet has disconnected us from where we are now! We are virtually present, but not actually present. We are interacting, but not with those around us.  I admit I'm just as guilty as the next person. It's difficult to 'just be' in this cyber universe of ours. We feel like we're going to miss something if we don't check our phone when it dings. What we really miss out on, when we're busy trying to keep up with the techno world, is the real world! The solution to this hyper connectivity is meditation and mindfulness.  A major benefit to following these practices is improvement of the mind & body, thus opening one up to what is really important in one's life.

Step One: Meditation
Meditation helps you learn mindfulness by increasing awareness and clarity. Try this meditation at least once a day, for as long as you can. Meditating when you awaken is a perfect way to start the day, and sets a positive tone to your mood. 

  • Get comfortable:  Find a quiet, comfortable area where you can relax. Either sit straight up in a chair, with your feet on the ground and your hands on your lap, palms facing up, or lay flat on your back, with your legs outstretched and your arms to your sides, palms up. 
  • Just Relax & Breathe:  Close your eyes, relaxing your mind and body. Take a deep breath, in and out of your nose, inhaling for a count of 4, holding for a count of 7, and exhaling for a count of 8. 
  • Imagine Positivity:  As you get into the rhythm of your breath, imagine a white light entering your body from the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands. As you inhale, bring that white light up through every cell of your body to the top of your head. As you are washed with positive, cleansing energy, enjoy this feeling as you hold it in. 
  • Release Negativity:  Once your body is cleansed with the positive light, gather the negativity trapped in your body, and release it with your exhale, down from the top of your head and out through your palms and soles. 
  • Be Still & Clear:  Repeat the last couple of bullets for up to 15 minutes, clearing your mind and body of toxic thoughts and feelings. If you want, repeat this mantra---I am Safe. I am Secure. I am Loved. God is with me. 

Step Two: Mindfulness

Mindfulness means coming back to the present moment and stilling the mind and body. Whenever you find yourself disengaged from reality, put away any distractions that are distancing you from the moment, whether it's your mind racing or wandering, or an electronic device. 
  • Stop and step out of the thinking process.
  • Just breathe and calm your mind and body. 
  • Intentionally decide where you're going to focus your attention on.
  • Focus on & experience where you are at, who you are with, what you are doing, and why.
  • Just be present!
This can be quite difficult at first, but stick with the practice of meditation and mindfulness. It will pay off once you get the hang of it, eventually becoming second nature. You will find that meditating improves your mood, your stress level, and ultimately your health. The power of being mindful of your everyday actions, as you're living it at the moment, benefits both you and those around you, bringing more joy in your life!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Easy Fall Recipe: Roasted Cauliflower!

I am all about Fall! I believe that roasted vegetables are the best, especially since they are so easy to make and are so healthy for you! Make this simple recipe here anytime you want something easy, but good for you, and you'll have joy in your tummy!