Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Paleo Peach Crisp
With summer coming to an end, I thought that I'd share a recipe here for one of my favorite summer fruits...the peach! I have tried Elana's Pantry recipes before, and they're good.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Exercise: Just Take 15
In order to try and get my exercises done during the day, I break them down into 15-minute segments in order to make them more manageable.
Here are some activities to do in Just 15!
Here are some activities to do in Just 15!
- Floor Bicycles: Lay on your back on the floor. Put your hands behind your head & bicycle your legs as you alternate your right elbow towards your left knee, then your left elbow towards your right knee. Repeat 15 times (or work up to this in increments of 3). Between sets, stretch your legs out & your arms over your head to elongate your body while taking 3 deep breaths. Repeat the sequence 3 times.
- Cat/Cow Poses: After the floor bicycles, get up on all fours with your knees below your hips & your hands below your shoulders. Slowly round your back & pull your head down for Cat Pose, then arch your back & lift your head for Cow Pose. Repeat this sequence at least 3 times while taking deep breaths.
- Child's Pose and Downward Dog: After the Cat/Cow Poses, kneel and lean your bottom on your heels, then fold your torso on the floor with your hands to your side or in front of you, demonstrated in this video for Child's Pose. Take 3 deep breaths as you hold this position. For Downward Dog, come up on all fours again, tuck in your toes, and push up with your hands and feet to raise your bottom up with head down and legs as straight as possible. Take 3 deep breaths as you hold this position. See video here for demo.
- Forward Fold: pose as demonstrated here ---you can bend your knees slightly as you bend your body forward as far as you can. Hold for at least 3 deep breathes.
- Triangle Pose shown on this link. Again you can bend your knees slightly during the pose if you need to. Place your feet more than shoulder width apart, and turn your right foot out. Turn your upper body towards the right, reach your hands down towards your right ankle, and reach your left arm up as you look up, while keeping your right hand on your right ankle. Hold for at least 3 deep breathes.
- Tree Pose: demonstrated on this link --- Stand with a good, solid base, bend your right knee and place the bottom of your right foot on the inside of your left thigh. Hold this position for at least 3 deep breaths while holding your hands in prayer position over your heart center. Repeat on other side.
- This is a great way to start and/or end your day!
- Link here.
- Beginner Yoga. Here's a great video that gives practice tips; Link here, for those starting yoga.
- Hatha/Meditative Yoga (link), for a slow, relaxing practice.
- Ashtanga/Power Yoga (here), for a more strength practice, discussed in this link.
- Vinyasa/Movement Yoga (here), for a more general-type practice.
- Bikram/Hot Yoga (here), if you want heat in your practice!
- Yoga Overview. This link gives an overview of the types of yoga, so can choose which one is best for you. You can also mix it up, as long as you know your limits!
- Take your 15-minute morning and afternoon breaks at work and walk at your natural pace for those15 minutes.
- At home after dinner, take another 15 minute walk with the dog, with a spouse, or by yourself.
- HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is another option for brief and effective cardio & strength training without the long hours of intensive workouts. Here's a great app for this, The 12-Minute Athlete here.
- Treadmill Intervals is easy to do. Instead of staying on a steady pace, mix it up with different speeds. Here is my usual treadmill interval training:
- Start with a warm-up at an easy walk for 2:00 minutes.
- Pick up the pace to an easy jog for 1:00 minute.
- Pick up the pace even more to a fast jog for 2:00 minutes.
- Then up the pace to a easy run for 2:00 minute.
- Up the pace to a fast run for 1:30 minutes.
- Slow down to an easy jog for 2:00 minutes.
- Then up the pace to a fast run for 1:30 minutes.
- Slow down to a fast jog for 2:00 minutes.
- Finish with a cool-down at an easy walk for 1:00 minute.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Natural & Homemade: The Key to Looking & Feeling Young!
Anyway, take this un-retouched, unfiltered photo of my girlfriend and I as an example. She is only a year younger than me, though she looks like she can be in her 20's, and in person, she can look like a teenager since she's so petite. She is so active and healthy; I admire her energy and stamina. Like her, I have never smoked, rarely drink alcohol, and we both eat pretty clean, while having our treats once in awhile (code for, we love our food)! We used to run together when I lived in SoCal, and we both continue to stay fit. We both have never had any surgery done, although I do admit that I have had facials, and when I worked in dermatology and plastics 10 years ago, I did do Botox a few times (which I really didn't need at the time) and had some laser treatments (which was great for smoothing skin tone). If that has helped me with looking younger now, so be it, but I no longer get or want Botox, although I wouldn't pass up a non-invasive laser treatment and a good facial.
That being said, I believe the key to looking and feeling young is to be your most authentic self. I've been trying to eat as clean and natural as I can, making most of my meals from scratch. Another aspect of being authentic has been adding natural & homemade products to my beauty regimen, such as coconut oil for my facial & body moisturizer, and baking soda for a natural skin exfoliate. Even though I've always been pretty light-handed with the make-up, I forgo wearing any make-up 75% of the time now. Beauty products can add up in price, and can contain so many chemicals.
Recently, I have switched to a baking soda shampoo (1 part baking soda to 3 parts water---squeeze onto hair and massage through scalp and hair, then rinse well), and vinegar conditioner (1 part apple cider vinegar to 4 parts water with 1-2 drops of essential oil, like lavender if desired---squeeze a small amount through hair and rinse well). As an extra coconut oil hair moisturizer, melt a pea-sized amount of coconut oil by rubbing it between the hands, and lightly run through the hair, especially the ends. These have been approved by my hairstylist daughter, who says these natural products are just as good for cleaning and conditioning your hair. Try all these natural & homemade ways for looking & feeling young, and you may find more joy in your life!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Reduce Stress & Inflammation in 2 Simple Steps!
Our electronic world has allowed us to
be connected wherever we are, yet has disconnected us from where we are
now! We are virtually present, but not actually present. We are
interacting, but not with those around us. I
admit I'm just as guilty as the next person. It's difficult to 'just
be' in this cyber universe of ours. We feel like we're going to miss
something if we don't check our phone when it dings. What we really miss
out on, when we're busy trying to keep up with the techno world, is the
real world! The solution to this hyper connectivity is meditation and mindfulness. This National Institutes of Health (NIH) study, concluded that a major benefit to following these practices is improvement of the mind & body by reducing stress and inflammation.
Step One: Meditation
Meditation helps you learn mindfulness by increasing awareness and clarity, noted by an American Psychological Association (APA) article here. Try
this meditation at least once a day, for as long as you can. Meditating
when you awaken is a perfect way to start the day, and sets a positive
tone to your mood.
Meditation helps you learn mindfulness by increasing awareness and clarity, noted by an American Psychological Association (APA) article here.
- Get comfortable: Find a quiet, comfortable area where you can relax. Either sit straight up in a chair, with your feet on the ground and your hands on your lap, palms facing up, or lay flat on your back, with your legs outstretched and your arms to your sides, palms up.
- Just Relax & Breathe: Close your eyes, relaxing your mind and body. Take a deep breath, in and out of your nose, inhaling for a count of 4, holding for a count of 7, and exhaling for a count of 8.
- Imagine Positivity: As you get into the rhythm of your breath, imagine a white light entering your body from the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands. As you inhale, bring that white light up through every cell of your body to the top of your head. As you are washed with positive, cleansing energy, enjoy this feeling as you hold it in.
- Release Negativity: Once your body is cleansed with the positive light, gather the negativity trapped in your body, and release it with your exhale, down from the top of your head and out through your palms and soles.
- Be Still & Clear: Repeat the last couple of bullets for up to 15 minutes, clearing your mind and body of toxic thoughts and feelings. If you want, repeat this mantra---I am Safe. I am Secure. I am Loved. God is with me.
Step Two: Mindfulness
Mindfulness means coming back to the present moment and stilling the mind and body. Whenever you find yourself disengaged from reality, put away
any distractions that are distancing you from the moment, whether it's
your mind racing or wandering, or an electronic device.
- Stop and step out of the thinking process.
- Just breathe and calm your mind and body.
- Intentionally decide where you're going to focus your attention on.
- Focus on & experience where you are at, who you are with, what you are doing, and why.
- Just be present!
can be quite difficult at first, but stick with the practice of
meditation and mindfulness. It will pay off once you get the hang of it,
eventually becoming second nature. You will find that meditating
improves your mood, your stress level, and ultimately your health. The
power of being mindful of your everyday actions, as you're living it at
the moment, benefits both you and those around you, bringing more joy in your life!
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